Important thing to check, and Question for all

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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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When I was putting the fuel tank cover back in to test fit my step plates, I noticed the tank seemed loose.

Now mind you, from the get go, I have fussed about the brackets being mounted crooked at the rear of the tanks (the ones you see when you remove the rear storage bins). They are an "L" shape, and the bottom part was not mounted flat. It was 1/2" above the bottom on one side on BOTH brackets.

Well, tonight when I checked them, I found the bolt weren't even holding. They had drilled the holes for the bolts at an angle, and the holes was too big.

I removed them, sealed the old holes, and remounted them so the bottom of the bracket is flat on the bottom of the bilge. Sealed them real good with sealant too.

OK, now the brackets hold the tank, even tho those are the ONLY brackets holding the tank in. The cover I guess is supposed to hlod the front of the tank in.

To make sure (even tho I measured as best I could), that the screws didn't go thru the hull, I jacked the boat up to see. No screws or cracks in the gelcoat.

BUT, I did see 3 spots on the drivers side where the gelcoat didn't cover the fiberglass matting. I mean you can see and feel the matting weave.

Should I make them fix the hull bottom now ? I fear that will require my boat going back to Nitro, and I DO NOT want that !! As from what I have heard, it could take months to get it back.

Also, I found out there are only 6 screws (#6), 3 on each side, holding the fuel tank cover AND seat mounting surface in the boat. I found this out when i took the tank cover off. I also found out the tank cover simply rests on a fiberglass lip above the tank, and this allows it to flex when you sit on the seats.

Heck, they used 10 screws to hold each seat in, but only 6 total to hold the plate the seats mount to in.


Heres my .02. I would get it fixed right away. If there is no gell and the glass fibers are exposed it can cause all sorts of issues because the glass will suck up water like a sponge. If it was my boat i would be on the phone with the dealer ASAP and i would push them to fix it or replace the hull.

Did you happen to take any pictures of it? im curious to see what your looking at.
No no pics. I didn't trust my 'lifting' rig enough to let it stay up for long. I am sure it is sealed, but I am gonna talk to the dealer tommorrow and see what they say.

I know what you mean about fixing it, but I am fearful of losing my boat for a long time.

Also, check my post about the seats here, and in the props section about the fury...I'm curious as to how you can spin it up so much.