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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I had a blast today at the tournament. We didn't win but I sure had a great time.

I did win the prize for losing the most golf balls...which was golf balls...LOL (30 I think). I lost about 12 to 15.

I'm ready to go again...

Oh and one more thing. On one hole i hit a couple of balls in the water (you had to hit over the water to get to the fairway) SO...i turned a little bit to adjust my aim to try to hit the ball more straight and hopefully hit the fairway....well...i hit my ball...and its flying right where i want it...BUT there is this tree in the way so it hits the tree and then bounces back in the water.

And here is a link of where we played today

OK, now go out and rent the movies "Caddyshack" and "Tin Cup".

...oh... ...the shame of it... ...i had such hopes for bj... ...thought he could someday make it into the ranks of professional fishermen who held their rods high... ...then he got carried off into the world of men going to great lengths in their pursuit of little balls...
Hey, what was that movie with Randy Quaid who played the pro golfer? Now that was another funny movie!
I now have a question....

Where can I find a set of used golf clubs? I've looked on ebay but i've never bought anything off of there.

I've done a few searches but can't find anything. I checked the newspaper and there were only carts for sale

Harpo -

Here's your opportunity to hook up with BJ!

I agree, you can get some good buys at pawn shops - but usually just ok buys - the shops know what their merchandise is worth and simply aren't in the business to let you keep any more of your money than they have to..... Take him out, Harpo and show him the ropes!

Shipping costs would kill any e-bay deal.

I'm willing to try but HE'S the MBA candidate, I'm the master of buy high sell low.

Keep an eye on the classifieds of your local paper, ask around the clubhouse at a course, I bet there is a golf shop in your area that sells used clubs.

Rich D
Harpo-just like my dad....buy VERY high and sell VERY low...oh it cracks my mom up sometimes...

Actually thats a thought harpo...Only prob is i just have this preconcieved idea that everything at a pawn shop is junk and broken, stolen, no good basically...
BJ -

A few years ago, my apartment was broken into and all my stereo equipment stolen..... Advent Heritage speakers, very nice Sony receiver, etc..... They apparently took out one handful of my CD's, saw they were all classical and left them because they figured they couldn't find a buyer for THAT kind of music.....

I went around to pawn shops, hoping to find my "stuff" somewhere..... Didn't find mine - but I did find a high end Onkyo amplifier, Sony tuner and Bose 501 speakers..... The equipment was covered with dust; the people who shop pawn shops weren't looking for the kind of equipment that us classical buffs want and certainly didn't want seperate amplifier and tuner..... I picked up equipment that would have cost around $2500 new for $275.

There are bargains to be had.....

Other than about that one incident, I'm like your father! :)

Much like bass fishing you will waste a lot of time in unproductive areas and then just when you least expect it you will flip your jig into just the right pawn shop and get a strike. You might also think about crusing some garage sales. I think Rich's idea about calling some golf stores is a good one too.

Another idea is look at Wal-Mart and Acadmey and BPS. They all have starter sets for around a 100 bucks that will get you started.
