Yeah I know what your all thinking....going? Well, I need prayers. We have not sold our old house yet and the closing for the new one is approaching fast. We had some leads and they all fizzled out. I have put it in God's hands but I would sleep easier if I could just sell the stupid thing and not have to worry about coming up with $5000 more out of pocket! Anyhow, thought I would turn to my friends for a shoulder to cry on. Plus, to make it worse, my BOAT isn't finished either. Is there any justice in this world? LOL The owner of the shop is in AR picking up some tin boats and hasn't even started on mine that's been there since THANKSGIVING!!!! So guys, you can end up with crappy service anywhere. This guy is not a Nitro dealer, he's a Wareagle guy! Anyhow, I'm done crying now, time to let the fever set back in!