I'm Back...Unscathed...!!!

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Scott Smith

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2002
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Got back from my cruise last night....other than a little bit of a wicked tropical sunburn, I survived unscathed...!! No real calamitites to speak of.

The wife and I had an awesome time on Royal Caribbean, we have cruised 3 times before (none with R.C.) and this was by far the best. The service was out of this world, drinks were strong and plentiful (I took a particular shining to the Bahama Mama's), the food was very good and the weather was incredible.

The highlight had to be swimming with and feeding the stingrays in Nassau, Bahamas. We decided to book our own private excursion for this, rather than booking through the cruise line and swimming with stingrays in a caged environment. We were taking a chance of not seeing any because the trip we took involved wild stingrays as opposed to caged raised and sometimes they don't show up when your party arrives. However we got lucky, and the ray's were out in abundance. My wife made a spectacle of herself whenever a Ray got near her, she would throw her handful of cut squid at the Ray, scream and then run wildly up to the beach only to return after the Ray had left her area. It was very hilarious and the native Bahamians got quite a kick out of her. The Rays were very gentle, you would hold your cut squid near the bottom and the Ray would hover over to you and gently suck the squid out of your fingers. They allowed you to pet them and gently pick up the smaller ones, making sure you stayed clear of the tail so you would'nt get stung. After about 30 minutes of feeding the Ray's, small 2 to 3 foot nurse sharks began swimming through the area because of the smell of the cut squid in the water. The Ray's then left because of the sharks and then we were advised to not go any deeper than ankle deep (my wife was 15 feet up on the beach after the sharks arrived). We then began throwing handfuls of cut squid into the water. There must have been 30 sharks in an area no larger than an average 2 car garage. Between 8 of us throwing squid into the water, we managed to get the sharks into quite a frenzy, it was a pretty awesome site, I sure would not have wanted to be in the middle of that..!!!

We did a ton of other really cool stuff, but mostly just chilled with a drink in hand and recharged the batteries. It was the first time the wife and I have managed to get away alone together since we had our first child 14 years ago, it was nice to be reminded of what a cool chick I married 15 years ago. It was tough coming back last night, but when I opened the door to my house and saw my other two little cool chicks waiting for there souveniers it was really nice to be home too.
Awesome, got any pics to share? And where did the boat leave from and where did it go?

Barb - We sailed out of Miami. It was a 4 day cruise aboard Royal Caribbean's Majesty of the Seas. We left port at 5 pm last Monday and returned Friday morning. The ship stopped in Nassau Bahamas on Tuesday, Coco Kay Bahamas on Wednesday (R.C.'s private island) and Key West on Thursday. The ship is one of R.C.'s older vessels(built in 91 I believe) however it has since been redone and is very nice. It is 12 stories tall and 880 feet long and very smooth sailing. R.C.'s private island is spectacular, it's snorkling area is huge and they have sunk numerous pieces of structure to attract fish including an old plane and wooden ship. The fish were numerous and the species ran the gamut from small to pretty darn huge. The snorkling area is unprotected (no shark fences), however there are numerous towers situated throughout the area manned with shark spotters. The deepest spot in the snorkling area was probably 10 feet deep. It was the perfect short get-away for 2 very busy people, and the price is fairly reasonable. Everything is included in the cruise price except for alcoholic drinks which are priced around what you would pay in most bars or restaurants and shore excursions. We had such a good time, we will definately be going back for the same exact cruise somewhere down the road again. Pictures are in the works when I find the time to sort through them.
Hey Smitty,

Jill and I where just on Majesty of the Seas at the end of March. Same scenario, together 14 years and this was our first "real" trip together. Nassau was ok but I could have used a couple more days on Cocoa Cay just doing some good fashioned nothing....:cool: