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Jan 26, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks to all of you who really helped me make an informed decision! I picked up my new 98 Summit Edition Savage 896 DC Nitro on Saturday and am really excited to get it out on the water...if it ever stops snowing!

When it is warmer than 10 below zero... I will take a pix and link it.

Thanks again everyone!

I am excited to now officially be a Nitro Owner
Congrats. you've got a good rig, I've had 2 of them an '96 & '98 model love them both. I would have my 3rd but they quit making them. Now got the 898 which is the same as the 896 just a little more. KENNY
Well since you decided on a Nitro your OK in my books!!!

Congrats on the new Nitro. Have fun with it when you thaw out! Is it just me,or does it seem like alot of people are buying new boats?

Hey someone from a neighboring state. Congrads on the new boat where you gonna fish it? Nebraska doesn't have a lot of bass water.

Congrats on the new boat... It could have been tin... but glass is "good enough"... LOL... Welcome....
Hey! Congrats on the purchase. I fish a few waters in Nebraska in the summer time with my family who lives there. I'll wave if I see ya.
Hey Teri, believe it or not, I used to waterski in both the Missouri River, and Carter Lake!! After a big rain, you could jump dead livestock in the mighty Mo. It was a pretty nasty sight if you hit one though.LOL!!

Congrats on the new boat!!!


Got a friend that lives in Carter lake right on the lake. Believe it or not I used to catch some nice bass outta there. I live across the river and the fishing in SW Iowa has continually gone downhill but you need a partner sometime give me a holler.

Back when I skied in Carter Lake, it WAS a toxic waste dump!!LOL But there was no boat traffic!!LOLOLOL Main problem was that the runway runoff from Epply Airfield dumped into the lake and all of the de-icer, oil, aircraft fuel, etc., went directly into the lake. I got to see it last year when I was back in town and it looked relativly clean (it was in a major algae bloom though). A lot of high dollar homes around it now. When I was there it was an eyesore. Was a gamble just leaving your vehicle at the ramp. The river was fun (dead livestock excluded), we would ski up river then just float back down enjoying "beverages" then ski back up and float down again. Big danger was the barges and their undertow...take you to the bottom in a second!! You'll only have to learn that lesson once..(if you live through it). I have seen the Missouri up in S.Dakota where it is clear and clean, sure does get messy by the time it gets to Omaha!!


The old days of Carter Lake were something. I quit fishing there because of barely escaping a run in with some North Omaha individuals who demanded I pay them something to allow me to use the boatramp to retrieve my boat. Lucky a cop showed up.

The mighty Mo is something else. I took my Nitro up the river a few times last summer and little has changed water wise except the current seem to have developed the ability to remove the tops of two piece swimming suits on some ladies. Seen quit a few sun bathers floating down on boats in nothing but the .......anyway the wife was with me and because I almost hit a wing dam looking the wrong direction I'm banned from the stream unless properly chaperoned.(Like those ladies would look at a middle aged fatman)

Yep, my barber used to have a 36 foot cabin cruiser moored down there (on the river), some of the sandbar parties were unbelievable!! As for the homeboys at the ramp, I used to do door to door collections in that part of town and they all knew who I was. I drove a silver grey Corvette (not pulling the boat!!). Ohhhh the stories I could tell.......
