Illinois governor

  • Thread starter Paul P [URL]
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Unbelievable isn't it?? What is it with these politicians??? How does somebody THAT stupid...get elected in the first place??!! It just makes me shake my head!!!
Seen a little of this, today on the net. I want to say it's 'amazing', but in reality, Stupidty shows up at almost all levels - public and private.

Makes you wonder about the 'electorate' now, doesn't it? Unfortunately, there is no 'test' for basic understanding/knowledge before one votes.

Illinois is three for three on past Gov. convicts. That is the Cook Co. political machine hard at work. :lol:
Dan J, I think its 5 for 5, I just heard on the news that the last 5 governors from Illinois either are in jail, have been in jail or are about to be put in jail !!
It makes you just wonder how much of this is going on throughout the political ranks. We recently had politicians in Massachusetts arrested for outrite thievery. I say spend a couple of billion, run a massive sting, and clean house (and then some). That might be a first step in restoring competency to our government.
Hey the guy at least was trying to get something for his wife too. Not totally selfish. It didn't say if he was trying to get some alittle gravy for his two or three mistress's and his gay lover. My guess this is just a small sampling of corruption at the state level. I bet the US congressmen and senators would make this article look like chump change.

I'm from Illinois and work with a number of governmental agencies. It is common knowledge here and has been for many years that our governor was engaged in "pay for play" politics. He's part of the Chicago machine, hell, he doesn't even live in our state capitol Springfield, he lives in Chicago (3 hours away). We tax payers have to flip the bill for all his travel back and forth.

Illinois politics is a joke and has been for some time. The worst thing about the whole deal is it happened and not a soul here was surprised. I personally though they would wait till he was out of office though.

The three for three and five for five statements are not accurate. Jim Edger was two governors ago, he did not seek re-election and left in 1999. He is a good man.

This makes for the fourth out of the last seven elected Illinois governors to be indicted since 1960 (Otto Kerner, Dan Walker, George Ryan, and Rod Blagojevich)
It's truly sad! I used to be embarrassed by Maryland's Democratic Politicians but now thanks to ignorant voters, Illinois has taken over. I know, KNOW that certain facts come out about the candidates in Illinois and the Freedom of Information Act allows for almost anything you want to see! The voter's in Illinois seem to be making the exact same mistakes every damn four years!! Don't they research anyone they are going to vote for or do they just sit in their cars until it's their turn to vote a party line? What a shame.. And I did NOT mean to insult anyone here. At least the ones who come here to this store show remarkable good taste and maturity from those so young.

I hope this makes sense y'all for I'm very tired.

Uncle Billy
I am also a lifelong Illinois resident and both embarrased for my state and mad that we keep electing known Chicago crooks both Republican/Democrat. Most of them come from the Chicago machine which runs the entire state. Gov Blago as he is known around here has not been kind to the hunting/fishing over the years. Just a month ago he "randomly" decided in the middle of the night to close 10 state parks around the state because of financial issues. I'm sure they all happended to be in areas where local politicians had not supported one of his schemes. He periodically announced re-opening some of them probably after cutting deals with local politicians. The one closing(still is) in my area actually genrates more money in revenue than it takes to operate so go figure the financial rationale.

PS: Unfortunately for all of us, the Chicago machine is were Obama comes from.
And this Chicago Political Machine gave us who????? It's what Greg Meyer has been saying all along. It just goes to show you a good scam at the local level can also be propagated on a National level. :(

Downstream, those parks are or should I say were meant to be used as political leverage. They were all located in areas with republican leadership or unfavorable democratic leadership. Just another example of pay to play politics. I live 12 miles from Argyle Lake Park, I was sure glad to see that it wasn't on the list. I do 90% of my fishing there.
I grew up and lived in So. IL until I turned 21. I found that if you didn't reside within 100 miles of Cook Co., you basically didn't exist to the Cook Co.-Daley crooks and cronies. The closest big cities to me were St. Louis, MO (NW) and Paducah, KY (due South.) The corruption and outrageous politics from Cook Co. (and the Daley clan) has endured for almost a couple of centuries. I found few reasons to respect or accept anything that caters to that kind of politics so I moved even farther South. :wacko::blink::huh:
get this.. the Maroon went back to work this morning!

I have this mental vision of Mel Brooks character as the GOV in Blazing Saddles.
Mel Brooks' character would be a significant improvement! All he wanted to do was chase Bett Middler!

And, from the bowels of this mess we get our President Elect. Gives me a real warm and fuzzy feeling... how about you!
...That's how I feel every time I see that moron Senator Shelby on TV!!...:(

Our country is going down the crapper!!!:angry::eek:
Mac. If the people ARE the country.. I agree. But its the dam Greed and Dishonesty of the Individual, the lack of responsibility and problem ownership (remember the sunday cartoon Family Circus and the little "not me!" ghost?).

there's still plenty of honest people, who would rather earn what they get than steal what they get. I bet many are Veterans, most are worried about their jobs and futures, and are the ones who you see the lips moving along with the national anthem.

I dont have a clue anymore how to fix it. The elections at almost every level is a chose between bad and worse.. but one thing I know for sure.. I will NOT subscribe to

"if you can't beat em, join em".

I think I will crawl back in my hole now. Groundhogs day isnt that far off.
Agree!!! Something's gotta change...and SOON. This country is turning into the very reason's why our founder's left Britian in the first place!!
I hear ya.. Still down in the dumps about the Belgians buying up Anheiser Busch, and now, starting the layoffs of "redudant" staff in St Louis, never would have happened it the value of the dollar hadnt made Bud a easy target for foreign ownership. God knows, I did my own personal part to support the AB quarterly financial results!

Let's get a new Message Category created.. just for HUMOR. and at fill it up, so we got a place to go and lighten the mood.

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