Ike's book

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Ken Sabin

Well-Known Member
May 22, 2003
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OK, we could argue wether or not Iachonelli is good or bad for the sport all day long. Personally I think he's a jerk. All that screaming, hollering and break dancing- But I must admit his book, which I did not pay for-its borrowed; is an entertaining book to read. Read it 2 days. I still think he's a jerk, but his story is interesting.

Oh well- just my 2 cents worth.

Anyone else read it?

And truth is, if it was on the free rack, still wouldn't read that jackasses book.

The thing I don't care for about Ike is that the persona he puts forth seems forced. It doesn't suit him. The talking like an inner-city punk while on camera during a tournament and then speaking how you'd expect someone that looks like him to speak during interviews. So my opinion is that he has sort of harnessed the fact that he will remain in the spotlight as long as he continues with the same type of behavior. I don't know, I found myself pulling for him a little during the classic. I think I see through the image thing he's putting forth. You can't deny that he's good. But I was pleased that KVD won it. There's a guy I admire. And, he sounds like me when he talks. Sort of that nazally midwestern thang.

But I do think Ike should maybe give his persona a little tune-up. Not change it, just tweak it a little. Definitley no break dancing. Then again, remember that footage of Skeet Reese dancing on the weigh-in stage? That was pathetic. Very pathetic. Not funny or cute. Pathetic.

KVD, Davie Hite, Shaw Grigsby, Mark Davis, Gary Klein.....Guys like these are all about the sport and the competition. Not about trying to be like a rock star at the same time. I know, I was a rock star type long before I became a bassin' fool. I used to talk music all the time. Now all I talk is bass fishing. But I still jam from time to time.

Anyway, I just might buy that book and read it. Because Ike has done what we haven't been able to do yet, make a good living at bass fishing. Props to Ike.

Ike came up thru the Federation ranks... He didn't used to make an ... outta himself when he was up and coming! That happens when you shove a camera in some peoples face!!! I see where Davey Hite is acting a little foolish on the deck of his boat also.

Hites a good angler, he doesn't need to sell himself like some do!!!

Clunn, KVD and many others do it with style and class!

LOL@ Pat

I still think he's an idiot!!! ( IKe that is)
I've watched him a lot on Bass Central. Also watched the classic. May be he can get by with the clown act while he's still young but will really stupid doing that crap when he's Roland's age.

It also sends the message to young tournament anglers that if you act bizarre you may get the sponsors and what not to be a big timer.

I respect the anglers that are Professional acting and speaking. Showing some class makes the sport more creditable. . My two cents.

That's my point....You've "watched him a lot" on Bass Center.
Don't blame the actors.

Their parts are being cast for them. The whole thing is being turned into a gaudy sideshow patterned after the World Wrestling Federation model. It's not about fishing. It's about money.

In my book, it's just another reality show...
You know at first the guy bothered me for the same reasons you guys have listed. But after getting the chance at the Lewisville E50 to attend the angler meetings and go out with the pros as an onboard observer, I have to tell you my position has softened on the guy. I still don't like the guy.

He is a product of ESPN. They brought out the craziness and promote it non-stop. The majority of the other tour anglers respect the fisherman and don
It also sends the message to young tournament anglers that if you act bizarre you may get the sponsors and what not to be a big timer.


like ike2.jpg

I want to read his book. I'm not a huge fan of his..he's wierd but he's good.
He is pulling down over a million a year, a figure that until recently was nowhere close to achievable

Where did you get this figure?
Way way too much as opposed to what.....a baseball player???

I love baseball, but those guys.....are paid way too much. Bass fishing is in fact hard work.

Ike's annoying. He knows it and he's capitalizing off it. What a dream come true for the guy.

Great success from bass fishing.

He's annoying, but I can't help but like him.