If you are from Texas..

  • Thread starter Jimmy Easterling [URL]http://health.msn.com/weight
  • Start date
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All of those cities in the Top 10 (except for Baltimore and Charleston) are known for one or more of the following:

Bar-B-Que Mexican Food Southern Fried Chicken :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

We know how to both cook and eat!

WOO-HOO, Memphis is in the top five!!!


wait a minute, thats not a good thing is it?

Man, I can't believe ATL was #82!! They must have done the survey by phone instead of in person. :lol::lol::lol:

Wait a minute...Trep lives here. That probably brought the scales back to thin a good bit! (J/K Lil' buddy! ;) ) I'd dang near do anything to have his stamina and belt size!! :D
#33....at least we rank for something. I wonder how much I raised our position?:lol:
I have to maintain my weight as well as my strength, as I'm usually the pallbearer at one of my "healthier" friends funerals. You ever see 6 to 8 little skinny guys trying to carry a coffin down a church isle? :lol:

Running is the reason that so many people drop dead in perfectly good health every day.

When you die, you should look dead. Ever hear someone say "Oh he looks so good... the funeral home did a good job" when referring to someone in a casket? They won't say that at my funeral. More like "Daaaaaammmnnn! Yep. I can see why he died!" :lol:

In all seriousness... I can see why San Antonio is so high on the list. We have so many dang good places to eat around here. Mexican food? Check. Fried Chicken? Check. Bar-B-Que? Check. Seafood? Check. You name it, we got a ton of it - and it's all VERY good. I need to loose some weight. I was making progress a while back, but peer pressure got the best of me and we started eating out every day at lunch. Packed the pounds back on really quickly.

All the best,

WOW!! I can't believe that Louisiana is not in the top ten for something bad. Go figure with all the great food we have down here.

Barry from Louisiana :)
Dang TritonGlenn, you about had me rolling out of my chair laughing!!:lol:
The city that I would list as #1 in the US for visiting for food quality is New Orleans. Can't believe that they weren't up there on the list.
