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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Honestly I have never had a real bad encounter with Jet skis before. But I also fish a lot of small mini boat tournaments and teh lakes we fish aren't lakes that jet skis get on too much.

Today when I was fishing I saw the dummest thing ever with Jet Skis. First of all one followed me and jumped my wake...he stayed far enough back so I didn't mind. What really got me was there were two tube fisherman. They were about 20 to 30 yards apart and the jet ski did a figure 8 around made me MAD at the didn't even happen to me. I really feel bad for the two guys trying to fish. I talked to them at the ramp but they were real nice. They just said no one got hurt so we don't mind.....

I've never ridden one of those Japanese rice burners for water, but I hate them darned things. Man those people are like gnats or skeeters nipping at your heels.
I'd love to try riding one! They look like a blast! I am amazed by their speed! A few years ago, when I had the Nitro 180/115 Merc, I had one outrun me as we kinda "play raced" down the river! (That boat would top out right at 48 to 50 mph.)

Unfortunately, they also attract unconsiderate idiots..... The same idiots who pop wheelies going down the highway on their high-powered motorcycles or make your head throb with the boom-boom-boom of their car stereos two lanes away.

Sometimes, it's just momentary insanity - of which we are all guilty on ocassion. Like the momentary insanity when you dream of running over a jet ski with a bass boat!

I'm thinking of running for the Senate on the platform:


Can I depend on your vote?

Harpo for Senate
Boy, am I glad I just sold my 2 jet skis. Now I can rejoin the human race. Actually, I rarely rode them but my kids, 24 and 20, used them often but always under threat of death if caught acting stupid. Yes, there are a lot of idiots on jet skis out there but there's also a bunch of morons in regular boats too. Good idea on the .50 cal. Harpo. Might have my son swipe me one off his Hercules for my Tracker.

I'm trying to remember where I read it but in the last few days I read an account of a man being arrested for firing at 2 jet skis. Might have been on Barren River Lake. Maybe the brain will kick in and I'll remember where I read it. Happy 4th and God Bless our Military, Hutch
I personally don't like them. How they are ridden makes the difference. I've had more bad incidents than good. But I do remember the day my boat untied itself and was drifting across the lake while I was going for the trailer. A couple of young men pulled my unmammed boat back to the ramp for me. nuff said.

i am a past owner of two water craft, yes ME they fly and are a blast to ride. my 900 would run around 55/60 mph range. i do agree that they attract the idiots.

just rember while the bass fishing world bashes and wishes them off every water way, it is the individual that rides them wich makes the differance.

also remember there are a lot of water font home owners getting pretty fed up with us bass fisher men/woman out there. dont hate the hole group because the of 50% of the idiots out there running them.

also the rental people will rent them too just about anyone.

just my 2 cents on the hole PWC thing.

What irks me is the boats pulling tubes down the lake.Back and forth,back and forth,back and forth,never looking behind them.They all seem to run about 30 mph,just fast enough to where I cannot zoom past them before they cut back in front of me.You cannot help but to follow behind the person in the tube because every time you move off to the side,the turn and are in front of you again.

I do every thing not to follow behind a tube or skier,but with some of these knuckle heads you have no choice.