Identity theft?

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Mike Levesque

Well-Known Member
May 2, 2002
Reaction score
Wow, the strangest thing happened on Friday.

In case any of you don't know, I live in Illinois, Northwest suburbs of Chicago.

Came home from work, and found an envelope in the mail from the health insurance provider I had about 3 years ago. (we've since switched our provider at work)

It had ALL my personal info, name, address, ss#, employer, etc.

And it informed me it was denying my claim for an office visit, and 2 surgeries, at a medical office in Arizona, because I'm no longer covered by them, duh!

Funny, I've never set foot in Arizona. What a way to start the weekend! So, first things first, I call the insurance co., tell them what's going on and what I suspect, and am then led on an oddessey that includes talking to 6 different people at 6 different phone numbers, until I finally got them to give me the exact name and address of the medical offices in Az.

Called them, at first they didn't believe me, then finally got through to one of the women in billing, who took a minute to listen to my problem. Now in the meantime I'm freaking out, calling and checking all credit card balances, and pulling up all our bank account info, etc.

The woman in Arizona pulls up the records from the date of surgery, and lo and behold, here's a guy out there, born on the same day, same name as me, only difference is middle initial, and soc. sec. #, it turns out when the doctors submitted the claim, the insurance co. used the birth date to pull up the file, and mine came up accidentally. So all in all it was a harmless clerical error, which took a total of about 24 hours and 9 phone calls, (3 long distance), to get straightened out. No real harm done, but if that wasn't a wake up call for me, I don't know what was. For about a day I had this helpless feeling that someone had stolen my identity and was running around in Arizona spending my money! lol eg
Just imagine how you would have felt if it was the bill instead of the EOB. will probably get the bill from the doctor/hospital in a couple of weeks.

Both my wife and myself have had attempts to use our credit information fraudulently. (The Mrs. twice!) Every attempt was shut down with very little damage to creditors/banks (none to us.) The only way to keep it from happening is to stay on top of your credit information and research any irregularity. In GA (my home), you are entitled to a free credit report from all reporting agencies every 6 mos. or twice a year. If you don't keep an active eye on your credit information, chances are someone else will!
Yeah, but nobody would want to be me anyway, so I have no worries! LOL
LOL Wolf, the doctor's office assured me they HAD submitted the right information the first time, and that the insurance co had used name and birth date to pull up the file, but you'd think if they did that, they'd have pulled up 2 guys, both same name and birthday, but one living in Arizona and one in Illinois. Someone should have at least questioned it or something, unless it's all automated by computer in which case no human was looking at the info. Either way, I've been assured by the ins. co AND the doctor's office that it's all straightened out now.

But it's given me quite a wake up call, and I'll now look closer at everything, from monthly statements, to credit report. It WAS quite a scare though, and I hope it (OR real identity theft) never happens to anyone here. egMike
I feel for you. I have had to unlist my phone number, due to another person with the same name. This person has many legal and finacial problems. Each time I called the lawyer/bank/insurance person - it was always the same " I'm sorry, I went to information and your was the only address that came up" none of them bothered to check anything else.

Now after a year of unlisted phone numbers - I think I'm OK