I thought I just had a BAD cold.....

  • Thread starter Staci Matheis [URL]http://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/co
  • Start date
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Staci Matheis

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2000
Reaction score
I always thought the flu ment you had to have nausea..... But apparently not.

I didn't realize that high fevers were seldom found in adults with a simple cold - I had them for 2 or 3 days.

And I just can't seem to shake that "exhausted" feeling and chest congestion.....

Check out the link below to the CDC if, like me, you have questions.

Guess this means I'll just have lots of time to do more surveys, meaningless calculations and tables!
Take care of yourself Me! The flu is nothing to play around with this season. We're going to need you at the rally this year besides.

Daylite come and you want to go....... FISHING!

Get well soon.

Dang right I do, David!

In the meantime, I'd settle for going to work! LOL!!

Just thought I'd post that little bit of info in case anyone else here couldn't shake their "cold" and was thinking about going in to work.....
Had a lady standing next to me in Wally-World coughing like she was going to spit out a lung. I looked at her and said "do you really think you ought to be out in public when you are that sick?" She gave ma a flip look and moved on.....idiots.....

me! - Thanks for the link, I just have a Cold. I hope you feel better and can't wait for the Rally!

Funny you should mention it, came home from work early today. I look like an actor in a Nyquil commercial.



Three weeks!!!!

That's how long it took me to finally shake that bug. Today is the first day I've felt even remotely normal since the first symptoms reared their ugly head on December 2nd.

Get lots of rest and fluids.
And you were travelling with it?

I can hardly work my way from the couch to the kitchen.

Well..... Not quite that bad.....

I guess I'm lucky it's happening during the holidays when I can take time off to sit at home, recover and post uselessly on the board!
Yes, I traveled with it. Dumb, dumb, d-u-m-b!!!!

I was telling myself, "Tough it out until you get home," not realizing it was too late. On Friday the 12th I was awake for only two hours. On Saturday it was six. Sunday the 14th was the first day I really felt like getting out of bed - until I got out of bed. A couple of half-days at the office and then a good Saturday's worth of rest this past weekend got me back to normal.
My nose is so raw that Puffs Plus feel like 60 grit and I'm afraid I'm going to have to check into Betty Ford to get off the Alka-Seltzer Plus.

Hey Me-----Both the wife and I Had to take 3days off last week -- Flu is what doc called it == have never cough so hard so long--Had to sleep sitting up in the e-z chair. Doc said it could take up to 8 weeks to complately heal.

Back to work but feel tired.

You take care-- If it starts to get hard to breath-- Do the 911 thing.


Hale -

Having to sit up to sleep is a sign of CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE.

I know, I've been there. The first time, I thought I just had a bad cold. The second time was 3 years ago and I ended up in the hospital with a heart attack. I had a third episode a year and a half ago.

