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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I need the suicide hotline, help, whatever!

My cowboys just lost by one point to arizona (sorry josh)....

my week just got much, much worse!!!! (oh btw-today was good, got report cards, that made me happy-never thought i would say that! and golf was decent!!!)

Just a thought to pass on..... I did volunteer work on the suicide hot line here in St. Louis for a year and a half back in the mid-80's. It was an experience I will never forget. It openned my eyes to another side of life and reality. I highly recommend the experience to those who might consider such a thing.....
BJ, I work in a prison and we used to give our suicide inmates a paper gown and paper sheets so they couldn't hang their selves. Now we give them these very tear resistant gown. Their bed is a concrete flat bed against the wall. If you need help in this manner, I'm sure any D.O.C. can help out in the same way.
Several years ago I was in the emergency room for some minor thing. The TV in the room I was in was tuned to one of those God awful daytime poor white trash shout shows and I couldn't find the remote control. I told the nurse when she finally came back in that I was going to commit sucicide if I had to watch one more minute of that TV show.

She replied, " Don't even joke about sucicide in a hospital that has a psych ward".

I got the message loud and clear.

Harpo -

I've been to psych wards to visit an "acquaintance" who I had to take there twice..... Unless you've seen it for yourself, you can't imagine what all runs through your mind when you see someone cutting into their own arm with a razor blade..... I had to watch the nurses strap her to the gurney and sedate her..... I'm sitting here trying to come up with the correct words to describe what I sensed and felt - they simply won't come. "Absolute Terror" and "Emptiness" and "Emotionally Drained" are about all that I can come up with.....

No offense, but the words "whacko", "nutcase", and "friggin' idiot" come to mind also.
Jim S, here's an idea for the justice system. LET THEM DO IT. I think all death row cells should come with a noose supplied. I think if I were there, I'd rather just get it over with and be done with it... states are too slow.

Oh, and NEVER, I mean NEVER, tell the booking guard anything besides "no" when she asks if you have thoughts of hurting anyone or yourself. A political rant will only get your shoelaces and belt taken away. Do you know how hard it is to walk around in flopping shoes with your pants falling down?
"Do you know how hard it is to walk around in flopping shoes with your pants falling down?"

Lol, kids at our school attempt it all the time. I always ask them why their shoes have laces in them if they're not going to tie them. Plus I keep a spool of string in my classroom, and provide them a "belt" if they don't have one to keep their pants up.