I flunked my BOATUS.COM safety course

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Steve Rizza

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2002
Reaction score
I went to boatus.com and took the online boaters sefety test.I only scored a 76% 42right 13wrong

I guess I didn't know as much as I thought I did.time to hit the books and do some studying.

Take the test and see how you do,post the results.

Flunked it too, 40 right, 15 wrong, dangit!

( did ok on the Illinois questions, and got a couple questions wrong I should have thought a bit more about before answering)

Still don't know what I got wrong about the drunk boating question, last time I checked it was illegal to operate a boat under the influence of alcohol, at least around here, and that answer was wrong, lol. Oh well, glad I saw your post, and now while I wait for the thaw around here, I'm gonna do some studying and try again. egMike
I took the NH one and i passed it no problem with a 90%. There were some questions that pertained to ocean boating that got me.