Hydraulic Steering For Tracker Pro Team 175tf With 60hp 4 Stroke

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Smyrna TN
Well after a LOT of discussion on the TIn Boat forum at BBC and some discussions here, I know that I was having trouble steering my boat to feel safe (it was just too tight for my old weak arms). At first I was seeing HUGE price tags for Hydraulic Steering and I just couldn't see myself pulling the trigger on that kind of comfort and fit. So the more I started digging into it, I found that generally BayStar is NOT for high performance bass boats, but mine is a panfish/bass boat with a 60. At first I was going the Uflex Hyco v1.0 kit (at first I was leaning towards Uflex Gotech v1.0). So after confirming the Hyco kit was the kit I needed, I kept doing the research and started looking at Baystar systems.

Finally determined they had a complete kit for my boat/hp range so then it was on to find the lowest price for the complete kit. Turns out I found 2 suppliers at $499 so then it was down to shipping for the tie breaker. Hodges Marine won that round with $9 shipping making my total outlay of $509 (since I was in NO hurry for shipping) My knees and the weather were both killing me LOL.
TELHK4200A Teleflex (SeaStar Solutions) Baystar Hydraulic Steering System - HK4200A-3

So that's what I went with. When my knees and the weather cooperates, I'll post my installation. Hodges Marine though had a decent video of the installation process (short but covered it well enough). I reviewed the PDF installation manual too, WAY overkill and can get confusing, but after watching the video, its not gonna be bad at all, reminds me a lot of the power-pole install - fairly easy. The routing of the hoses will be the bitch, so my plan is to mark the hydraulic lines (port/starboard) tape it to the steering cable so when I pull it out, it pulls the hydraulic lines with it. Plus I'll know why hose is which (using colored vinyl tape for port/starboard lines). Also gonna use a rod sock over the hydraulic lines for a nicer look and protection.
Best upgrade ever was the Baystar on my old TF175 with a GT150....60hp will work really well. Easier with two guys when bleeding the system.
Naw, I saw a youtube on how to do it by myself. Got the system in yesterday and looked it over. That helm piece was pretty hefty weight to it. For me probably the toughest part will be undoing the cable and then bolting up the new helm. Got some new gauges to install so that will be a good time to do that too but they'll be housed in a gauge cluster that'll sit on top of the console (digital voltmeter monitor for trolling motor battery) and trim gauge. Can't twist my head enough (even with some body twisting) to see position of the motor once I'm in the drivers seat. Can't wait though for spring to give driving the boat should make it SO easy on me. I know usually it wears me out when I drive around those crooked/winding bayous in Louisiana marshes.
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