How's the best way to sell excess fishing stuff?

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Tom Jones

Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2001
Reaction score
Since I sold my boat, I've got 40 years of fishing lures,rods,blacklights,lifejackets, etc. that I want to sell, but I'm not sure of the best way. I don't want to use E-bay!! I would like to sell in one or two big chunks like a completely loaded tackle box for $x amount instead of a few lures at a time. Any suggestions??

Hey Tom,

My thoughts are to show it here and alson the BBC web page. You will get lots of visibility on both places.


PS What ya have for sale???
I agree with Carlos. Put it on here however way you want to sell it. You'll learn fast enough if it isn't right.:D Just kidding.. Seriously, post them here for us and if it doesn't go well then try over on the BBC. Good luck and I'm sorry you have to do this.

Each big fishing website has a swap/sell page. Post it here, BBC, and BFHP to start. You will always get closer to what something is actually worth in the fishing world rather than at a yard sale or in the paper.

I'm not sure on ebay. I would think it would be fishing enthusiasts that would bid and so they would know the value and not try to lowball you too bad.
I tell ya what Rob,

I would not so SQUAT with BFHP. I only go there when I have nothing else to read.... I do not like that page. Not my clientile
Call your local Bass Club and take the stuff to their meeting, it will sell fast. You have to deal with sending it out thru the mail.
Post it here in the Swap and Sell and we can have a silent auction. We will e-mail you our bid and the highest bidder owns the stuff.

I'm with ya Carlos. But it's an avenue to sell stuff. I wouldn't BUY anything there, but sell....sure!;)
Thanks guys for the input. Not sure what I'll do yet. I didn't want to have to mail anyhting since some of my tackle boxes weigh ALOT!

Tom - where are you located? You may want to check to see if there is an e-bay retailer near you. In the Northern Virginia area, some bright guy got the idea to open an e-bay store where people could bring their stuff in and the store would sell it on e-bay for them. The cost was a percentage of the e-bay sale. In return, the store would photograph your stuff, post it on e-bay, arrange the payment with the winning bidder and take care of all the shipping and other logistical details. All you had to do was drop off the stuff and then collect a check. Apparently, the guy that started the store had over $1 million in sales last year in the DC area. You may want to see if something similar is near you.

Tom..... My friend..... Please..... Unless you need the money..... Please keep most of the stuff..... You just never know when you might want it..... You and I are both well familiar with the health problems you face and what the effect is on your activities (and mine).....

A few years ago, I sold almost all of my outdoor equipment thinking that I was never going to use it again - much of my reasoning being that I wa afraid to have health problems out there alone..... Last year I decided that, since I was gonna go sometime, it might as well be out under a tree in the squirrel woods where I have always been happiest..... I still had some of my old stuff - but most I had to buy again.....

Keep your stuff, Tom..... You never know when.....

You aren't going to get much for it anyway.....

God Bless!

Tom I would listen to me I know 2 years ago I had 9bad heart attacks they brought me back with defibulaters so I thought it was over for me I felt like sh---t and right away I was going to sell my lake house my boats and fishing tackle but I started to feel better and changed my mind then in November of last year had another attact and all the way up to march of this year I was ready to sell out again but now Im feeling better and am going down to lake next week Im not allowed to go out in my boat yet but doc says if I make it another 6 months without a problem he will grant me more freedom and maybe let me fish some tournaments
