How much would you pay for a boat?

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Mike Zechman

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
I saw there is a 2006 Ranger Z21 with a 250 E for 64k show price, 70k retail. If you had the money would you pay this much? especially when a year or so down the road the same boat is worth 35k. rediculous. When I was huntin for a new boat, I priced a Tr-19 F/s at 36k loaded, and then a guy told me had a leftover 05 for 25k with the same just seems to me(and others) that these prices are out of control. And people always try to sell their boat line on resale......well in the case of the Ranger, thats about half price you loose, thats horrible. I also saw a Z-19 for 44k.......HAHAHAHAHA! Now thats funny
there is no way I would pay that much for a bass boat. Ranger's are nice but 60k is absolutely ridiculous. I bought my 929 last March and think that will probably be my last new rig based on the prices. Finding a nice used rig seems to be the way to go.
I agree woody, I always think what would I pay max for what I want, and then do it. Theres no 21 foot boat worth that much to me, matter of fact, they could give me that boat for free, and I'd sell it, and buy the new Champion thats out.210 elite:wacko:
I'm with you guys, now if I made $1m a year after taxes MAYBE for a weekend angler i'd consider a new $30k rig, but not on my salary!! Cash on the barrel head for a nice pre-owned boat. H$ck i'd not even pay $30k for a Car let alone for a boat !!

But we gotta keep this quiet guys, so some of those folks will keep buying these WAY overpriced rigs NEW and then 12-24 months later when they are SOO upside down in the loan and need to just get out, we get a sweet deal!!
i got my 911 last summer, 250 verado, paid 38,999 before tax and crap.. same boat

this year 44,265 :eek: no sweet deal on mine trep... NO loan! :p
I guess there Is a market for them we sold 7 over 50.000 this past week and have 10 on order for high 40s Have sold one that if he goes for the elec he's wanting will go for over 60..It's a small market but there out there..Like cars, people want it they buy it.....JR
no doubt there is a market otherwise they wouldn't cost so much. It's supply and demand but I still don't see how it can continue. 50k for a bass boat is insane. My personal rule on boats and cars is if I can afford it on a 5 year note I don't buy it so based on that I won't be getting a new 50k rig. The bottom line is to each their own and if someone wants to drop that on a boat then that's fine with me. It keeps people in the boat business working.
Come on Dave, wait till Sept when I turn 40, i'll pay you 10 cents on the dollar COLD HARD CASH!!!

Man someday, i'm gonna get me a 911 with a 250, just gotta wait you and Sim out!!
I have no problem paying +$70,000 for a bass boat.....just as soon as I win the Power Ball.... which will be any day now.;)

I look at It like this ..There Is always bankruptcy..hAAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAH
The boating industry does this to itself every 12 years or so. Times are good, they crank up production and increase prices while people are willing to pay. And pay. And pay.

But, when the economy goes south, you can count on the boat industry to be among the leading indicators of economic woe, with manufacturers going belly up faster than blueback herrings in a square livewell.

Ignore history...and it repeats itself.
Was that REALY Rich Stern?

Where you been Oh Fearless Leader??

That Sprint got you any good stripers with your new trolling rod holders yet??
Yep, really me. Had the flu, and then the crappy weather, so not much fishing lately. Hope to get out next week.
Sorry about the flu, did you get a shot this year? I finaly did in Nov and so far so good.

May try to get the boat out on Sun afternoon if it is decent, with the boys.
