How many have colds right now?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Seems like just about everybody in my family has it...going to the doc tommorrow to get some meds to get rid of the crud:( Yuck:wacko:
Just got over a "half" cold. Never really progressed past the sore throat stage.
Going all around in this area Tee. Some from sniffles and some to almost what seems like full fledged flu like symtons.
Don't throw anything my way, but I had my first cold in about 3 1/2 years about 3 weeks ago. It was a 'mild' one at that. I simply consider myself to be very fortunate.

Hope that you and yours get better.

Nothing here, my son is sick with a cold though. I haven't been sick since 2002, not even a cold :p
It may sound funny ... I have had one nasty cold for over a month now .... here in Phoenix I get one when the wether changes:blink:
Ive had the thing for a week, Its been through the whole family 5 of us.

coughin wheezin and sneezin
...stir, stir, stir...

just remember that there aren't many 'anti-viral' drugs out there...

drugs for the most part only lessen the symptoms of a cold...not cure it....

no cold here!

but it is only 20 something outside!!!

Doc's got me on the Z pack and gettin' better:)

Y'all take care and stay away from them "cootiepeople"!:lol: