How bout Reggie

  • Thread starter Gilbert Scales2
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Gilbert Scales2

Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Leading receiver for the Saints, good rusher, good return man. Houston made the worst decision in sports history. Defense wins Super Bowls so they say, but Bush won the game today for the Saints. One more thing, he is a great decoy. There are many plays when they have to worry about him, even though he doesn't get the ball. Forget money, and supposed ethics, you take the best available player at the time, clearly Houston didn't. Thank You Houston, you gave us a Great Present. I know the Saints aren't a great team, I am not stupid, but the GM for Houston has it written across his forehead,(STUPID) and a sign around his neck.


Bubby, i hate to burst your bubble but Bush had ONE good game. That one game does not make a career.

Other then this one good game what has Bush shown us? So far he has been very mediocre . Go look up the stats, hes not even on the charts when it comes to running back leaders and he is yet to score a single TD on offense. On the field he has really had zero impact.

After 5 games the best rookie running back has been Lawrence Maroney of New England. He is putting up yards and scoring touchdowns.

Personally i think its waaaay to early to say the Texans were dumb for not drafting Bush. Give them three years and lets see how Mario Williams is doing and we will see where Reggie Bush is. Its just way too early to judge anything, these guys have played 5 games.

I also dont think the Texans made a mistake drafting the guy they did. They had a much greater need on defense then on offense. Thjey were in a position to get someone who can be a real impact player on defense where they were really thin. I dont blame them for pulling the trigger. You have to take the best player based on need unless you are a team like the Panthers, Patriots or Colts that are so deep they can afford to take the best player on the board regardless.
Mario Williams has a LONG way to go to justify being chosen in the top ten much less number one. So far, mediocre as Reggie has been, he has played leaps and bounds over Williams. I don't blame Charley Casserly. I don't care what anyone says, he didn't pick Mario Williams. That choice came from above. One very good and long time defensive line coach from this area has already said he would not trade anyone on his line for Mario Williams. He said he expects Williams to be a very good defensive end but not for three or four years.

I bet there are any number of coaches who would trade their running back(s) for Reggie.

Uncle Billy
Jim B, you must know your stats better before you can bust anyone's bubble. Bush has only 45 carries with a 3.3 average. He also has 23 catches with a 8.1 average, most receivers wish they had that. Returning punts, I am not sure, but I know many plays they key on him and Deuce bust a big one. One last statment, the GM, you, and the three other people who think Houston made the right choice, should know Micheal Jordon's High School coach cut him and thought he was right. I never said the Texans were dumb for not drafting him, I said they were STUPID. In the draft you take the best player available regardless of position, especially if you stink as bad as Houston or the Saints.


Do you really think that 45 carries and a 3.3 average is great? The rookie that leads all the other rookies in rushing (Maroney) has over double the yards that Bush has and a 4.9 per carry average on only 15 more carries. 3.3 yards per carry is very,very average in the NFL.

8.1 per catch while very good for a back dosent even crack the top 50 in the NFL. Truth is MOST of the good recievers in the league have a better average. I doubt there are too many that wish they had his stats, they would be out of a job.

Again Bush has totally not lived up to all the hype surrounding him when he was drafted period.

I agree Billy, Williams has a long way to go but Bush does as well. Like i said before give them both three years and see where they are. Lets see who has helped thier team more.

I dont think Houston was dumb, stupid or whatever for drafting the player they thought was the best player for thier team.

I remember back in 2001 when some people thought the Pats were stupid for drafting Seymour as high as they did. I think we all know how that turned out... Hes only one of the top 5 if not the best D lineman in the NFL today.
Jim, I am sorry. We must be talking about 2 different leagues. Marvin Harrison is leading the NFL as a wide receiver with 32 recptions and 13.8 yard average. Bush as a running back has 34 catches with a 7.3 yard average. In the NFL there are many receivers who play every week, that wish they were near that. In fact there are 60% or better playing every week as #1 receivers who are not close to his stats. Go to espn. com, all the stats are there. I agree with Uncle Billy, Reggie came as a gift from heaven. I now choose not to post on this thread again. Take care and good luck Jim.

Yes Bubby we are talking about the same league.

Im sorry if you take offense to my stance but i see it for what it is. I dont dislike the guy I just dont think you can annoint Bush the second coming of Barry Sanders or Walter Payton until he has actaully done sometihng. If you look at his body of work so far it doesnt justify all the hype surrounding him nor does it justify his draft pick. He has been pretty average so far although i think he is exciting to watch.

Like i said before give them three years and lets see where they are. Bush could turn into the next Barry Sanders or he could be a flop. Same thing for Williams, he could be the guy the Texans build a defense around or a total bust. At thos point nobody knows. It is also waaaay to early to be saying the Texans were stupid. If Bush becomes the next Barry Sanders then yes maybe they were but what if he dosent? What if Williams becomes the cornerstone of a great defense,were they stupid then? It is for sure to early to close the book on either player since we have only seen a small part of the story.
Jim, just what dog do you have in this fight? Bubby started a thread where he was bragging about his team and who they picked in the draft. What I want to know is why you had to jump all over him and what he wrote? It didn't seem to me that he was starting an argument or inviting criticism. Unless you are a die hard Houston fan or Mario Williams' father why do you care what Bubby writes about his team? The first line in your answer was snide and rude. BTW, everything he said in his opening was true.

At the time of the draft, Bush was the obvious, logical and better pick and that's according to just about every analyst alive. I'm not going to argue football though. Some of your opinions may turn out to be correct but Bubby didn't ask for them.

Uncle Billy

Look at McAllister's stats to see how Bush has helped the saints. Compare last years stats to this year's. U may find that using bush as a decoy has really helped duce's stats...thus helping the team. Just my .02's worth