How about using Swap N Sell

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Texas Transplant

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
Everyone here please consider using the 'Swap and Sell' section of the board for selling something. After you post there, it would 'seem' to be perfectly acceptable to post over here on the main board, letting someone know you have something to sell.


Thanks again Rich for the great site. Not trying to step into an administrators role or anything.

Tex, I think your suggestion is a perfectly acceptable one. Perhaps some new members wouldn't be getting the flame out they are getting if they had used that venue.

Tex, I don't have a problem with that, while your suggesting improvements why don't we suggest that people post to a thread just pertaining to it's subject matter.

Can somebody please tell me if I should wear a red shirt or a white shirt today? I just can't decide. :>(

Sorry Buzz, I just couldn't resist. You're right, there is nothing more frusterating. Some post are destined by design to go astray and those can be great fun sometimes but when someone has a specific question I belive that all the members should try to stay on topic as much as possable.
