How about this scenario?

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Ken Howell

Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2001
Reaction score
Since consideration for trading my 700 LX is out, what do you all think about my trading my 90 hp in for a 125 hp. That's if I can find one. Would it be worth the cost?

Ken, you ponder the same question that led me to my LX700 I own today. I wanted a better hole shot, top end, etc... For the cost of a larger motor (with trade) I could upgrade to a late model nearly new LX700. I love the new boat and the larger motor attached to it.

At a 90hp you're probably pushing 47mph and I can't imagine your hole shot being too bad right?? 125hp is only gonna get you into the low 50's and the only other reason I can possible think to replace would be to put a Honda on it, of course all IMO though.

Probably shouldn't ask the wife what she thinks.


Ken, go for the 115 Optimax, it's $600 less than the 150 xr6 upgrade for price comparison.