Hot Side Lake Anna

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Sent directions out the other day for our min-rally next week. Got responses back from Toxic, CIII, KB and Bruce F. Nothing from Fast_Marine. Anybody hear from him for the trip?

Weather still holding at 49 degrees and partly sunny for that day with minimal winds. Let's hope it stays that way or gets warmer.

Bill in VA
Bill, He sent me an e-mail the other day

I told him he could ride with me ... no response

I'll try him again.

Fast, where are you!!!!
IM sent to him, I had his number and lsot it.....

No wind is FINE!! Cold is..ok but no wind is even better!!!
I am just brining Hot Chocolate, right?

I will have to scoot somewhat early, due to an 1830 Christmas party to go to.
Bill will you e-mail a contact number in case I have car trouble on the way down. I plan on leaving here at 3:00 am Sat morning.



No problemo! Think everyone has somewhere to go early that day. We can figure out the time to come back in when everyone gets here. Weather still holding at 49 degrees with 2 mph winds out of the SW.

See ya


You have to drive right past my house to get to Anna. Want to come here Friday night and stay? I have a futon you can sleep on and save you a few hours of sleep!!!!

You are more then welcome! I will have my buddy here that is riding with me on Saturday, but there is LOTS of room man!!!!

YEEOOWW Bill!! It just keeps getting better and better!! Now, if the rain will jsut STOP some.......
Thanks for the offer Carlo's but I will have to pass. I have dinner plans Friday night and I don't think it would be a good thing to pass on a first date. I need to get her hooked before she finds out I have another passion in my life. I am driving the my car down so I should be able to make it in 3 hours so I can sleep in tell 3:30..

But Thanks for asking.
