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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
I have a question ? Do all bass boats come with, have the option of a throttle pedel ?

This is a question that has come up with my attorney's in my ongoing saga with my boat wreck last year (OCT 12/04) .

Since it is both offered by most of the boat manufacturers and it it offered as an aftermarket add- on they are "avaliable" on any bassboat but are not "Standard Equipment". It is an add on to every boat I have ever seen. Standard rigging is the hand throttle.

I think it's entirely dependant on leg room......if you have room for one,..then yes, can be installed. BUT,...knowing how Lawyers operate...the word "all" is scary!!!...:eek::angry: If I were taking a true/false exam.......I'd check "false" on that one!! LOL!!!
Gross - Rich installed one in my 700 before I bought it, infact I need to move it back a few inches because my legs are longer then Richs.
Trep... Instead of moving the pedal... just put another knot in those "string beans"... LOL

I am so bad... was installed at the dealership by a rigger. I didn't do it personally.
And I wasn't running the place the place when Mac had it done!!!

Just had to add that to cover my ass :eek::lol: