Homeward Bound

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JP Heintzman

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Fellow Bassmasters, this here is my last transmission from the Land of the Morning Calm! My tour is over and tomorrow I'll be back in Georgia.......WOO-HOO. I'll report to Fort Jackson, SC in early Jan 09. Hope to see some of ya'll at the next Wounded Soldiers Tourney. See ya on the water!

Here's hoping your hops are safe and short and bumped up to first class on domestic!!! Welcome home, God Bless, and thank you for standing guard for all of us! ;)
Great to hear it JP.

See you on the water some day I hope!

Travel safe Chief. Although everyone in the Army looks at a Korean tour differently, it is one of the quietly critical tours Soldiers serve. v/r Mountain Man, Korea 94-96
Welcome Back! Thanks more than words can ever convey.
Welcome home from me and my family, and thanks for keeping us safe. You are a true hero in my house.

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