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Bruce Yeaton

Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2001
Reaction score
Hi everyone

Surgery was a success and I now have a titanium plate holding 2 vertebrae together at C5/C6. I've been doing well with recovery, even took my first walk today in between thunderstorms.

Still can't lift anything and should be able to drive by weeks end.

Thanks for the support :cool:
good news... you will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Sounds good! Keep up the hard work and good luck!!

Good luck with Rehab and listen to the docs. Don't push too hard as they know what it takes to get it done.

Good deal, take that recovery time serious bro', listen to the doc! I pray a quick and successful recovery for ya:cool:


Hey, when you get through with all that titanium I could use some sinkers.:rolleyes:
Great news Bruce....don't overdue it and you'll be back with a rod in your hand before ya know it;)
Thanks guys

I'm taking it easy and not rushing into anything. Good time to catch up on a bunch of reading and fishing shows :D

Bruce - Take it WAY easy, that is way more invasive then the 3 steel implant posts I had done last week, and i'm still taking it easy.

Take your meds, relax, sleep, rest and get well soon!

Great news Bruce!:D Just remember not to push it and do what your Doctor's tell you to do! If not you and and I will be able to sit around and tell stories about your Cervical Fusion and my Lumbar Fusion.. I'm still going to pray for you for awhile and I certainly hope everything works out ok for you!!

Uncle Billy
I hope all Gets 100% I had a broken back and I have no cushion between the vertebre,,,Gotten pretty well used to It now...Degenerative disc disease....I was afraid when It happened to get the surgery,Doc said 50-50 chance of a cripple so I decide to oh well..I am glad you are doing well....JR

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