home from the hospital - pics

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Bruce Yeaton

Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2001
Reaction score
Hi everyone

We made it home late morning. Everyone is doing fine and we're all happy to finally be home :D

Here are some pics for everyone, enjoy :wub:



Getting ready for the ride home today


Finally home

Wow !! He has more hair than I do..:)

Congrats on the new arrival !!!!!!

Congrats!! Great pics!

I thought the same thing Steve!! LOL!!

Bob G.
Dude great pics. Now get some sleep. Your gonna need it. LOL

WOW... Congrats to you and Mom.... Very cute boy...
That's a fine lookin lil feller their Bruce, congratulations.

Congratulations Mom and Dad. Cute son. Now if they would only stay that way.

My first grandson is due sometime in the next couple of weeks. Looking forward to him as I know you are to raising your son. Now get out there and get him his first fishing pole and have it engraved with his birth date, weight, and name and put it over his crib.:D:):wu:
Bruce - Congrats!!! What a head of hair the little guy has! Enjoy!
Thanks everyone!

Colin spent his first night in the room with us last night. He did pretty good considering. Dad only woke up once through the night.

His schedule is a little backwards, he sleeps during the day and is up most of the night... anyone have any tips? :unsure:

I'm home all week this week, hoping to get some more pictures and keep him up during the day so he sleeps more at night ;)
Bruce our little girl did it the same.. Try feeding her closer together it did the trick for us.

Congratulations! I would love to adopt a little guy some day.