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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
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I think I found my weekend cabin that I have been looking for. This is 3 miles from several boat ramps at Lake Patoka in southern Indiana. I am staying at the cabin next weekend and then I might make an offer if I like it.

Nice! Looks like a good place for a future rally!!! Hope it works out for ya!

Bob G.

PARTY at Teri's place.. If you get the cabin should we move the Oct get together to your new home lake??

Good Luck

There's certainly enough room to camp. About an acre, complete with a fire pit. I really liked it for the money. I can build a new one for about 10k more but this is completely furnished with a minibarn, deck, grill, and 2 picnic tables. Pretty nice for what I have looked at all over this freakin' state. Forget being on any kind of water for a decent price.
On the water anywhere comands big bucks these days.. They just don't know how much docks and maint is yet.. Best wishes if you want the place, If not please send me the name of the seller? Kidding of course. Still got 44 acres in Hobbieville.. Good news is the state wants 15 for a new hiway? Don't make much since with a 42% employment rate??


P.S 3 miles is a cake walk.. Is the mini barn big enough for the Banana boat?
Toga!!,...Toga!!! Toga!!!! Nice place Teri!! Be sure to ask a LOT of questions,...make sure all the electrical stuff is up to code and be sure to inquire about any septic or well "issues" too....tell the seller,..."No surprises!"

ahaha....It does look like a fun place to hang out though!!

(Be sure to check the roof too!)

BTW---if you host a Rally,..tell everyone to bring a tool box! With 20guys and power tools...AARRR,,..AARRR!!..We could knock out a "honey do" list in a few hours and you'll be golden!!! Have caulk...will travel!! Good Luck!!!


It's even got AC!! What is the inside like? I do see neighbors....what are they like? Wouldn't want you buying next to the Clampets. Also if you go there by yourself, you don't want bubba popping over for a cup of sugar....if you know what I mean. What kind of area is it in? We're watchin out for ya!!

Hey Teri,

Do you think the deck out back will support the hot tub?

Looks like a neat place.


Nice place Teri, hopefully it's all you want it to be and more.

Looks like a nice place, I hope it works out for you.

Rich D
and you could always name it the "Stabin Cabin" if you do buy it.
You guys are always looking out for me. I may split the cost of it with a friend so I doubt I would ever be there by myself. I am hoping to do alot of inspecting of the cabin and neighbors while I am there this weekend. I just can't decide if I want to part with the money right now.
Cecil, Patoka Log Cabins is selling the land one street down for $15,000 an acre. $54,900 for a small cabin (about the same as in the picture) with a half acre. That's for the new ones going up.
They built some of those rental cabins but this site is all cabins that people own. It's not too far from the main marina.

Looks great! Go for it if you like it, but be prepared to spend bucks on it just after you get it unless the seller has maintained it very well.

I bought 22 acres 3 months ago on Lake Anna. It is at the end of a shallow cove, but boy do I get privacy! It has a 50+ year old hunting shack on it, but it was refurbished about 12 years ago; central air and heat, a good well, and lots of insulation. I also got a huge dock and boat house that are insured for as much as the one bedroom house. Oh, I also received a leaking roof, two rotten door frames and subfloor, and rotten siding and lots of mice. Hey, I bought it because of the land and the dock house. Getting a house I can use is just gravy.

Hope you get it and enjoy it.

That's what I'm talkin' about!!! What a view!!! I would really like to have that over what I am buying but my budget is limited and acreage by water, not in the boonies is hard to come by in this state. What is left is very expensive. What a cool property.
Holy cow David.Is that a dock,or a helipad?

One could spend all day skippin senkos under that baby!!!!


Steve R
Now all I have to do is hold up a bank to buy the helicopter! If the water goes down 3 or more feet, I will be high and dry in the boat house (at least that's what it looks lilke). Here is the picture of the shack with a new roof. A warning Teri is that if you live on the water and the lots/homes are expensive, then many of the tradespeople that work on it will think you have a ton of money and may try to cash in on that.

David, looks like you got a good deal. Only thing that would concern me is the depth that you say the cove is....3 feet is pretty shallow in mid-summer especially if there is any draw down from the power plant or any plant growth. Do you plan to hunt the land?? I can guarantee you that there are turkey and deer there. Let me know if you ever want to carve off a piece of waterfront to sell. I might be interested.


I think I got a good deal. It's been dredged before and I expect that I will have to dredge again,.....but then again with a tin boat, I don't have to worry as much about bumping into things. That reminds me, I need to go to Sturgeon Creek and drip a prop off to be repaired. Right now it is no hunting except that I may go after Mr. Beaver who keeps building a dam on the inlet creek above the dockhouse.

Now I am playing around with the idea of buying one of the new wooded lots and paying for that and then building the cabin I want instead of buying someone elses. I don't know if it's worth the extra money. Decisions, decisions. Guess I'll know more after this weekend.

I may have the right something to help with the beaver :)

Teri, nice digs!!!! Do you think you will have more options for the buck if you get the lot and then do the cabin? You can then do it in stages, and pick what you want, right?

Gee Teri, I wish I had those types of decsions. In stead I have to ask "Food for the kids or gas for the boat?"

Just kidding. I ALWAYS have gas in the boat.....LOL
Marke, I wasn't trying to sound like my life was so rough. I feel very fortunate to be able to have the opportunities that I do. I am just not sure I can afford this one.

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