Holy smokes

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
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Underwood Iowa
:wacko:I'm back from the hospital. Man I don't want to do that again real soon. Jeese that smarts. Doc say he had never seen anyone still walking on a knee that bad. Fishing is out of the question for a while he's saying 12 weeks. How am I gonna get my dog ready for pheasant sesson.

Wellgotta get off I'm really in the pain locker right now. Later.


Getting better starts right now fatrap. I'm sorry you're in pain but that's the problem!

You're supposed to walk on your feet, not your knees.:lol::p:rolleyes: Don't forget to do what the Docs tell you to do..:unsure: Keep us posted, ok?

Uncle Billy
Hope you're feeling better soon, brutha! Guess the neighborhood cat is safe from the "boot" for a while!:lol::lol::lol: Take care and ease up on the square dancin'

Mike did they do a full replacement??? I am gettting it done nov 17th, I was told by people it's worth it after you heal aprox 3- 4 months....hope you get better soon..JR
Good luck and God Bless Mike. Did the doc or therapist mention taking chondroitin for your cartillage rebuilding? It helped me when I had a patella scoped then R&R'd in college about 20 yrs. ago. Take care! ;)
Like your dog needs you to get ready!:D

Take care and do what the doctor orders.
They told us it was the golden years and said nothing about the hurting years. The best I have heard it put is "Growing old is not for sissys". May God speed you in your recovery.
Thanks guys. bite off more than I could chew. Lots of meds but I hate meds.Need to figure out how to get someone to get the Tundra in the water. That would be some real medicine. i'LL keep you informed.


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