Holy Schnikies!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Was just outside my building having a smoke witha friend and all of a sudden we hear this loud boom (like what you hear when the trash truck drops the dumpster a little hard) and then, clank clank clank clank......

We're like WTH was that ? As we walk towards the corner where we heard the noise, a guy from CE says," I think that guy just hit that dumpster on the corner"!

Lo and behold, here's a security cop in front of our building and he's getting in his car and overheard our conversation and takes out after the guy.

After a few minutes, here comes the SP outta' the parking lot and stops us to talk. We told him we think the guy went into the building next to us.

We walked over to check out the car and Jeezy Creezy! The whole side is peeled back like someone took a giant can opener to it!

The guy was drunk! In the morning .....on the base!

Needless to say," That's guys bread is now toast"!

After that....we walk back to the corner to look at the dumpmster and SP's are taking pictures and another gentlemen from CE that I know sees me and stops to talk. He asks, "was it a gold car" ?

He told us the guy blew a stop sign and dang near run him off the road.


This will be the talk of the day:wacko:
The guy was drunk! In the morning .....on the base!

So what's wrong with that? :lol:

When I was a young Airman, I was a SP on a small SAC base out in western Okla. After a graveyard shift was over around 7 am we were ready to PAR-TEEE. The only place that sold beer at that time of morning was the base cafeteria. About 15 or 20 of us would hit the cafeteria when all the day-workers were in there eating breakfast. We would fire up the jukebox and have a good ol' rowdy time. Drove the Lifers crazy. Good times :rolleyes:
