History Channel

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Bruce Moore

Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Rich, I want to apologize ahead of time. I've been a member here since 2000. If I get banned because of this, it's OK.

History Channel just did a 2 hour special with individual footage and network footage of 9/11. It makes me sicker now than it did then! The innocent people inside the buildings and on the aircraft, the fearless police, rescue, and firefighters that were lost, because of a brazen group of war mongers that were/are too chicken **** to man up to our face absolutely makes me want to throw up. The loss is unprecedented, the resolve, I hope is neverending.

We will never be the same as a country. I will never be the same as an American, a husband, and a father. I will hate the perpetrators of this heinous act as long as I live, and I hope everyone I know does. I always hoped that I was not a racist, a bigot, a "redneck". But now I know that I am. And do you know what, I'm proud of it! I don't care if my viewpoints are politically correct. This is my country, my ancestors came here legally and met the requirements of immigration and made do in their new home. I can be proud of that and voice my opinion legally.:angry:

I will never forget that day when so many died, and so many others sacrificed. And I will never forget the determination, and strength that George W. Bush showed, and has shown since that day, to rally the nation and stand as a steadfast Commander in Chief.

God bless the USA, and God Bless our troops.

And Terroreyes, this is for you, My father(deceased), served in the United States Navy as a Seabee during WW2. Your comments regarding our Commander in Chief are disrespectful to our current Commander and disrespectful to my father who served under his Commander in Chief. To me this is unacceptable as an American citizen.

A word to the wise, if you want to take the low road, join Brad Pitt, Susan Sarandon, and the rest of the non-patriots on the next plane out of the country that you guys missed the last time.


Bruce, I'm with you my friend.. I have been saying since that fateful day in 2001 that all TV Stations news programs should sign off every evening with pictures and news accounts of that fateful day. And I want them to show it all, even the people who had to jump from those towers picking one horrible death over another. Maybe that would have reminded us of what certain groups around the world will do to kill us and nothing anyone can do will assuage the feelings of those persons toward us.

My ancestors were here before there was any United States and when this whole country was Virginia so I feel a hold as an American that's as strong as anyone. And please don't throw back in my face native Americans without doing a lot of research. I'll never forget that day either and I cried most of it. I too thank George W. Bush for the strength he showed on that day and for the assurances he relayed to us citizens.

As for Susan Sarandon and her boyfriend, and a couple of the Baldwin brothers who made the statements that 'they swear they will leave this country if George W. Bush wins', why didn't they leave? They're liberal morons at best.

I love this country, my country and I'm really tired of the idiots who want to destroy it!

Uncle Billy
I've got to agree with one thing, we do have a boatload of people that choose to practice their right to free speech and other freedoms in an ignorant fashion. Sadly, they come from all walks of life--liberals, college professors, rednecks, high brows, and tin lovers.

i have one thing to say, GOD BLESS AMERICA!

i could not have put it in words as good as you. how soon we forget the devistation and lives lost. i voted for our current President twice. i still stand proud of my choice. he may have made some mistakes along the way and maybe he could have done more for the economy. But it is the Bill Clinton comitee that i hold responsible for 9 11 01.

lets all remember that sad day and think long and hard before we set out vote in November.

Marty, I'll agree that we are all guaranteed the right to free speech. However, some with their holier than thou, or internet troll, or keyboard tough guy, abuse and disrespect that right. Like my grandmother said, "better to be thought a fool, that open your mouth and remove all doubt". Another thing that she said that seems to apply here, "boy, you can polish a turd all you want to, when you quit, you've still got a turd".

Ya'll have a nice day.:D
I caught part of the special on the History channel last night. Wow, to see it from the individual's viewpoint really brought it home. I still feel we need to strongly continue to fight against this terrorism and close our borders as tight as possible.

As mentioned on the issue of free speech, why do these morons from Hollywood think their half-baked opinions matter anymore than anyone elses? For some, the best way to hurt them is ignore their movies and television efforts. Tell the advertisers to dump them.

God Bless America.
Last nights 102 minutes on the history channel, was very eye opening. I agreee with Bruce on this one, well said:D
God Bless America and DEATH to those bastards who plotted it!

I agree...the home footage was even more detailing the hell those all all others went thru:(
I watched it too and can't believe more Americans aren't still outraged and seemed to have forgotten. The need to eliminate terrorists is an ongoing effort and some seem to not quite grasp that.
i hopped on two flights last thursday, 9/11 it made me think abit.

I watched it too and can't believe more Americans aren't still outraged and seemed to have forgotten.

That's why I said what I did farther up the thread Woody..

all TV Stations news programs should sign off every evening with pictures and news accounts of that fateful day. And I want them to show it all, even the people who had to jump from those towers picking one horrible death over another. Maybe that would have reminded us of what certain groups around the world will do to kill us and nothing anyone can do will assuage the feelings of those persons toward us.

Uncle Billy