Hey Toxic is the Big Red DEAD?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
Reaction score
Underwood Iowa
Once again the Missouri(pronounced "Misery")River runs deep with Husker tears. The police are watching the bridges for jumpers and I believe the drug stores in Nebraska have had a run on Prosac, Paxil, Lexapro and other anti depressants. How you holding up Tox?

HAHAHAHA!!! Better living through chemestry!! Actually, not bad, everybody knew this was a rebuilding year, my expectations are pretty refined. The longer I am away, the easier the losses are. NU will be a spoiler team. If they get the kinks worked out then there is still a chance. Never would have expected it after their opener. What really amazed me was KU's loss. The big 12 took a beating Saturday!! OU rolls on though!! They have a lot of returning players.

Yeah distance makes the pain less. At least the big 12 has OU to carry the banner. Driving through Omaha last Sat night you'd of thought someone bombed the place with a neutron depression bomb. My wife loves it because she's a Iowa State alumni. When I was teasing her about rooting for a looser she told me that she roots for me too.

Toxic - Might want to double check those scores, KU won BIG!

K State did lose however.

Yes we're talking about Nebraska football. The single most important thing the state of Nebraska. Hell could be burning at the doorstep. The Russians can be invading the white house but if Nebraska has a winning season all's well in Nebraska.LOL

My bad Woody....I was talking about State, and MU.

Now fatrap....there is one thing that would get their attention.....a parade for Osbourne!!LOL!!

Don't forget that it took the whole decade of the 90's and 3 coaching changes to get OU back on track. Going from a keep it on the ground and grind it up the gut offense like the Huskers have always been and OU used to be takes more than just a few years. Remember when OU had Troy Aikman and Switzer let him pass only 3 or 4 times per game? The recuting for building that type of offense takes a few years. The folks at Texas A&M are the ones that need to be worried. Coach Fran is still making excuses for why he ain't gettn' it done.

Lets see if the Husker fan's have the patience to weather the storm. They fired Solich and he HAD a winning season. Oh Well.
