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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
After some thoughtful review, I have concluded that your mom in law is actually the victim here. (DUH!) But not in the way we might normally think. See, if that motorcyclist hadn't run his bike into her car, she wouldn't have to go through the drama of having been involved in a fatal crash. What's more is the unneccessary stress and anguish this event and the following legal events have caused on her. I think punitive damages are called for. I would counter sue the plantiffs AND of course the pick up driver once he's caught.

Perhaps, that might "enlighten" some people involved.
I wish you could see the story on the first link I posted. I shows the motorcycle riders family in a much more favorable light, with the widow appealing to the pickup driver to do the right thing and turn himself in. It also reported the more techincal aspects of the wreck and less about the need for a stupid flashing yellow light. I mean really let's put a flashing yellow light in front of everydriveway.:wacko:

Based on the 3 news stories I watched yesterday all the intrest is on the silver pickup driver and barely any mention of my M-i-L. I think I'm more worried about the nut on the bus being crippled for life from his 3 mph crash in to the side of my wifes car.

It's the guy on the bike's fault....had he been in a Mack truck he would be alive today.

Now maybe the Government and consumer advocate groups will ban Harleys.:p:wacko:
Sad fact is if he had been in a Kia, he would be alive today.
