Hey Rob

  • Thread starter Scott Hammer TOXIC
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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
Hey Robay.....Wanted to let you know that I saw Pete at the Chantilly show. He was reping for that rod maker. Didn't see him till Sunday otherwise I would have taken him out on the town a little bit. It was really funny, I was walking around the show after one of my seminars and happened past the booth. We looked at each other, then did a double take and it was like the Bud commercial...Waaaaaaaaaassssssssupppppp!!!!! LOL!! And he was with a customer....guy probably thought we were nuts!!

and oh yeah....I was wearin' my Team CastAway gear LOL!!


I'll try to get Pete to join us in July. He is a great guy... I'll send you and Rob a picture of his 18th birthday cake that we (the BASS club) gave him at a tournament.
What a killer schedule...He said that he is on the road with them for 3 months straight doing shows and that they carry ALL of their inventory with them.....sheesh, and I thought my weekends were booked!!

Pete had mentioned something about going on their prostaff, but I never heard back after sending my resume. Plus it would now be a conflict giving I am reping Castaway.

One thing I would suggest before you sponsor anyone... Consider the impact on your side... You want to be associated with a class product. Now when ypu think of bass fishing you see Budweiser/Busch, Skoal, and vienna sausages... Just not a class picture. Now, on the other hand... Walleye Pros... You see Lindy Little Joe... Lund Boats... See what I mean... Walleye Pros evoke the proper "visual" in the mind... Contemplatiuve, almost "ZEN" like pursuit of an elusive predator fish.... So, if you ever sponsor a fishing pro... think walleye and think big.

Bass fishing? Vienna sausages? Perhaps you think of that but corporate america is looking to bass fishing for more bang for their buck. Gee what about WalMart, Fuji, Castrol, Land O'Lakes, 7up, Tyson, Citgo, Flowmaster, Bryant, BankOne, etc? Walleye fishing is getting there, but bass fising is still ahead of them.

As any sponsor will look at is where are they going to get the most bang for their buck. Walleye tournaments are still fairly regional, but they are gaining popularity.

Jr, what you mean by sponsorship will entirely depend on your budget. You can sonsor idividual anglers, circuits or anything in between. Remember if your porduct is regional, you should probably stay regional with your sponsor dollars. I dont know what you represent, but there are numerous people that are looking. EVERYDAY. I know I see the sponsor requests at All Star, it would amaze you at what people are asking for and the rate they ask it.


Each sponsorship is different and the agreement you sign is also. Since I make it a point NOT to tournament fish, I draw a different kind of sponsor and I find it is easier to sell my type of exposure (buying public in my boat for 8 hours) as opposed to the tournament guy who just may cash a check and get some press someday. I also do a LOT of speaking and that is a HUGE plus. Giving seminars and public speaking is extremely hard. Very few can do it well. I am learning a whole another side to the "Fishing Industry" Mini was right when he said that you have to be careful who you let sponsor you because there are a tons of guys out there making jigs, spinnerbaits, etc., in their garage and basement. Most are willing to give you a discount or free stuff to plug them but you have to be very careful that you don't get the reputation of being a tackle who*e. For example. Teddy was giving a seminar and was going to show a spinnerbait maker at the show the power of the spoken word (he was lining the guy up as a sponsor for myself and another guide). He mentioned the guys product in a positive way during the seminar and they had a crowd at their booth just like that. Now the guy is begging to sponsor me. I just might because he will custom make some baits to my specs. Bottom line is like mini said....the sponsors are in the business to make money and if you can't convince them that you can provide that service you are out. Bigger the name, the harder it is to land them as a sponsor.


Have you ever looked at the SOB baits advertised on the BFHP? They are fantastic.. great paint, etc... And, virtually custom baits at slightly more than a production price.


I am a unique critter (probably in more than one way...and certainly more critter than unique..LOL) I fish both... but am more qualified as a walleye fisherman... However, I want to tell you as a bonsfide BASS member we are still close to our roots. In 2000 I worked the entire Classic as a volunteer (Illinois was the hostFederation). At one point in time, we had to rig hundreds of Zebco outfits for a kids tournament... BASS put out a lunch spread for the three dozen or so volunteers who rigged up the rods... Besides several big subs, potato salad, etc... There was a ray of Vienna sausages and another tray of Moon pies... And, they were well recieved!!!!

I heartily agree that "currently" the non-fishing related corporate world has "found" tournament Bass Fishing. And, as I have been made aware by the guys who run my walleye circuits, they have found walleye fishing, also. Julia Davis is sponsored by Crown Royal and I have never sen a fisherman, bass or walleye, drinking Crown Royal..LOL (maybe some do, but I bet their total sales to fisherman don't equal the cost of Julias Ranger 621...LOL. It is all tied to "exposure" through TV coverage...

So, yes, we are now seeing total wrap boats at the RCL. PWT and MWC tournaments. Guys are getting sponsorship deals from battery companies, soft drink bottlers, and liquor companies... Corporate America has "found" fishing as a souce of exposure for their products.

However, from a fishing related perspective, exposure and sales from Pro use actually seems to be more connected to tournament success in the walleye game than in BASS fishing. Yes, if my tournament partner has 70-100 people in his boat as guide clients throughout a summer and he suggests products to them there will be sales. But, in May of last year my partner and I won a GNWC tournament on the Fox Chain of lakes trolling a Fire Tiger Shad Rap... There were probably 50 people at teh weigh in besides participants... My friend who owns a local bait shop phoned me the next day and said he was sold out of Fire Tiger Shad Raps the day before and he had a dozen guys come in and ask for them after he was out... He checked the local Wal Mart and called three other bait shops... All reported the same result... Since successful techniques sell... Fishing related sponsors are keen to sponsor Walleye fisherman who are successful.

Well, just my two cents... Otherwise, my "teasing" is in jest... Except for that deep feeling I have about North and South.... Walleye vs Bass... Moon pies versus Brie and Crossants...
You dont think that Manns's sold a TON of Hank's Classic Spinnerbait ALL over the country????

How about Mann's Swim Worm and Stone Jig?????

Tournament success sells. and I can tell you that Bass fisherman buy more stuf than walleye guys just from sheer participation numbers alone.

I went to the Crown Royal party last year at the Classic. There are ALOT of bassfisherman that drink Crown.....

Since you tied to to sucess.........answer this:

How many people here, honestly, bought the Dance's Eel? I did, no tournament was won on that.

I see your point albeit is is short sighted. Walleye fishing is getting there.....

You know where all that sponsor money came from into the walleye circuits? The FLW sponsors. That started with bass.

Nuff said.



I just started drinking Crown Royal last November and it is my drink of choice!!! I can't imagine going to a CR party!! If you're ever in the neighborhood....

Bob G.
I was supposed to go to Key West for their annual Team Meeting too, but we couldnt get the schedule worked out (I was in Vegas at the time)

I think the important distinction is between fishing as a sport and as a business. I agree, a tourney win can move product but 1 win, in 1 tournament, 1 day is not the same as speaking to a bass club, giving a seminar or selling product en masse'. If you look at ROA (Return on Investment) a non tourney guy who is in "the industry" is a better dollar for dollar investment. What I will never argue with is that a big tournament win (Classic/FLW) Will sell product and then comes the books, personal appearances, yada, yada, that REALLY sell.


There are in general three levels of tourney participation and success... There are the very top guys... Then the middle ones and then the "rest".... Wins by the "rest" and the middle guys do not excite sponsors or "buyers".... Wins at the top get massive attention so they have an impact that sponsors want... But, you are to an extent very correct that the real issue for sponsors is haveing a credible and articlate spokesperson... Now, at the "middle", wins or top placements do encourage sponsors simply because it creates credibility... I am not a guide... except to all my friends and family... but the approaches that I have had have been because I have credibility from tournamnet performance and a perceived presence (boy if they only really knew me)... Your credibility comes from being a known commodity as a guide. A "dealer" isn't all that interested in a tournament fisherman.. they are looking for a salesman... A factory team might well want more tournament guys because they can and do advertise the accomplishments of "Team X". However, from those guys they also want "ambassadors" for their product. It will depend on the marketing goals and methods of the sponsor, as to what they want from the "pro". Both boat deals that I have been offered involved way to much of my time... Time away from my goal. So, I have looked to a more appropriate venue... a factory deal with an aspiring builder. They want presence at tournaments and ramps... selling their product to the guys will will become indirect spokemen... They want to sell to the middle guys and the rest by exposing their product at that level through tournaments... They are hoping for a geometric pregression of sales.... They might just have my interest...
Yep, I agree 100%.....There is also the distinction between products, those that actually catch the fish and "support" products. My point being if you have to state the connection....i.e., VanDamm uses plano tackleboxes because he can organize his gear better and that allows him to find his baits faster, which helps him win tournaments....see what I mean. As opposed to... use spinnerbait "X", VanDamm won the classic with it. Then the tourney connection is diluted. Word of mouth in bass fishing is awesome...how much advertising have you seen for Senko's?!?...What do you want to bet that it is the top selling bait?

The helicopter lure isn't the top selling bait? Now, seriously, zip lures work... I mean really work... Cashed checks with them... I was very hard to sell until I saw it for myself... LOL