yeah, I here ya, sure, can do! Send me the money and I'll take care of it all! What's that blue you say? OHHHH, well that changes things! LOL Purple ice cream has no chicken bones!
Gimme a break, I'm flustered with my motor.....I was gonna ask you if you got by to see those non fisher friends of mine. On second thought, do a commando raid on their boats an d pull all of their plugs. Tell em' TOXIC sent Ya!!
I don't know when they are leaving.....better idea, just go set all of their boats free!! Just like a real rodeo, they gotta go catch their mounts!! Anyway by the sounds of your other posts, the fishing has been just that, a lot of fishing and not a lot of catching!!
I'm hoping it will turn this week. The fish are in transition which makes them tough to pattern. I don't have temp sensors since my Classic died. The new Garmin should put me back on track. I feel naked up on the bow with no finder up there. Plus, you have to consider WHO I was fishing with! Bob, Buzz, and Marke, come on! That's a 20 stroke handicap right there! LOL You guys had it coming!
I'm official, when I get "officially" PAID! LOL Just how many fish would have been caught if I WASN'T there to show you guys the go to spots when the chips are down? hmmmm?????? The bluffs will be on fire this weekend, I just know it!
I thought I paid you in animal crackers and pretzels!! And the IRS can't tax you unless they wait at the other end for "proof of payment"!!! Have I ever questioned your decisions on the water? Only once when you were pulling my boat around in 3 inches of water!! LOL. I haven't been skunked yet while fishing with you, so you are da man on Lake Champlain!!!
Bob G.
PS. I had to suck up so Rob will take me fishing next spring when my chips are down!
Yeah, you looked a little nervous as I explained to you that "That's what the break away mount is FOR!"! LOL Bob takes good care of his stuff to the point of being anal! LOL I so badly wanted to smear some whell grease down the side of the purty white gel coat to watch him freak out! But I couldn't bring myself to do it! Never fear Bob, you're still welcome next spring. Like I said, if I have more time on the water this fall after you store yours, you're welcom to come over if you can handle single console!
I plan on being there next spring. And I bought some ski goggles for riding in "real" bass boats!! But, I'm done fishing for this year. My son passed his hunter safety class on Tuesday and I took him to the local sporting goods store last night for his first hunting license. I plan on taking him hunting with me every weekend starting on Oct 5th (archery) so we can pattern some deer. He is allowed to harvest a buck or doe on Nov 9th and 10th for Youth Weekend and then buck hunt the following weekend with my father and I. I am an only son and was fortunate that my father took me hunting and fishing. I have one son and plan on doing the same. My daughter loves to fish, but does not want to hunt. If she hunted like she fishes, I wouldn't have time to hunt because I'd be dragging deer all the time! Could be worse things in life!
Sounds like you have a good handle on it! I look forward to getting Cody his first BB gun this Christmas. My wife is griping all ready. Too bad! He needs to learn now! Can't wait until he can come in the woods with me during actual season. But we will have to have a day for you and Buzz to come over and perfect jig fishing next spring. It's getting to be old hat to Buzz now! If you can't catch fish in the rivers in spring on a jig, you have problems!