Hey Nominal !

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Hey Staci, Thanks for asking. Laura is doing much-o better. As you know, she had her colon removed and an external bag added. Smelled like dog poop around the house for awhile but the bag is now removed and she is reconnected. She has to go to the bathroom quite a lot, but that is to be expected. The good news is that is is now outside playing everyday like any other normal kid!!!! The medicine that she was on before the surgery played a toll on some of her other organs, but hopefully not to serious. She is on medication to remove calcium deposits from her liver. I believe it is working because of the stuff that comes out with her urine. She has been on this medicine for only 2 weeks. Also she had a bone scan Monday to she if they are improving. We have not heard any reports yet. I will keep you posted. Again thanks for asking and Happy Fishing. Save some fish for me!!!<- Thats me, as in I. lol Robert
Hey that is great news... Just thought about you guys when I saw the picture posted...
That's wonderful, Robert! Absolutely wonderful!

You have just started my day out right for me!!

It would be a real pleasure to meet you and your family some day.....

God Bless!

Robert, may I add my own prayers for Laura's complete recovery? It made my heart hurt when I was reading this. I can't stand to see a child hurt.

Bill..... Do a search for the stories over the last 2 years..... Use "laura"..... You will have your heart broken and learn more about love and strength in a family than you can ever imagine..... I admire the "Nominal" family!
Thank you very much Staci, Greg and Bill. By all means Bill, yes, please add Laura to your prayers. Robert