Hey Mac,

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Yeah.....I survived another round....we lost 4 people out of our dept. 1 deserved it,...one is retiring..and 2 got shafted!! If things don't start turning around SOON, I'm sure I'll have to go thru this again before the end of the year. But,..all is clear now for the time being.;) Thanks for the support Bubby,...I appreciate it BIGTIME!!:)

Heard on th enews that the 160 yesterday are part of the 3400 promised the US Govt on loan contingencies. Unsure where the other 3K+ are coming from.
All over the country....3K is the total from GMNA (North America)...Yesterday was just the Manufacturing sector,........Engineering cuts will take place in late April.

There were a lot of salaried folks in a lot of asm plants across the country that were released y'day too...keep in mind that GMNA also includes Canada and Mexico. I also heard that if a company releases MORE than 500 people at one time, in MI., they have to let the State know, so they can make the changes to the unemployment systems, and therefore it becomes "public knowledge" and the NEWS crews will show up!! Any number less than 500, does not require notification,....sooooooo from now on..we will see groups totaling 499 or less let go,...just to TRY and keep it out of the news anyway!!:angry:

The LAST thing they want is a news crew sticking a camera and mic in the face of a person who was just let go!! :( Chances are good that that person will have "issues" with that decision!:(:blink:
Glad you survived, guess you can lay off the blood pressure meds for a little while now:lol:
Velcro,...no kiddin' Bro.....the stress of not knowing what's coming isn't ver conducive to being able to plan ANYTHING!! ...atleast now,..I know I can go fishing this weekend and my badge will still work on Monday!! :cool::rolleyes:
Great news Mac!! Have a great time on the pond and forget about any of GM's worries for a spell. I'm heading down to B'ville tomorrow and it'll be good knowing a fella so deserving will be out relaxing and enjoying the same. Now go tear 'em up!! :D
In a nutshell, they're the same thing!! "Here's what you get" IS the "offer" LOL!!

The current situation with the salaried "offer" is that it's a non-mutual severance and you're not allowed to "turn it down"...if you get selected, you have no choice....you're given up to 6mos pay max, (2 weeks for every year of employment,..up to 6mos max) and your health care for 6 mos, then you're off the books entirely! If you're hourly, you get a choice to accept the buy-out which was 20grand and a 25grand voucher for a vehicle, or you can decline it. IF you did not accept that "offer",...you can take your chances and stick around. BUT,..if things get worse, there's a good chance you will be laid-off "permanently" and get ZERO. The jobs bank is now gone......so once your unemployment runs out...your done! :blink: Atleast the hourly folks have a choice this time...salaried folks do not.

Keep the faith!!! We're going through the same thing. We've gone through 2 rounds already this year.

Good luck. I went through the turmoil of 8 rounds over 2 1/2 years but the 9th got me.

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