Hey Mac & Mini

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
I hope it's not too late for either of you to get this... Can you tell me, and US, just where you all are going to be fishing and the names of the places? I think it would be fun just to Google Earth to see what's what! I'd sure appreciate it!!!

Uncle Billy
People say I'm a dreamer ...

Do you really think they'll put their honey-hole locations online?

When you wrote "US" were you accidently or subconsciously meaning "the United States?"

We fished the mile raods almost exclusively due to winds. It was never less than 15mph and was over 25mph most of the time.
I wasn't dreamin' nor did I want a Honey Hole giveaway. I was thinking more like, "body of water", nearest town, and no, I meant US, you and me and others on N.T.O.W.S.

I guess I should have told Mac, Mini, Toxic and CIII, that by just looking at Google Earth I would know exactly where they were fishing so I could hook up the boat, and then jump into my truck and travel to wherever they all are. Of course I can't really take my boat ACROSS THE STREET TO FISH but I was going to do that.:lol::p

I don't know who does what to "HIDE" their honeyholes but if anyone on this board EVER wanted to go fishing with me over here in Maryland or Delaware to places that I know very well, I would NEVER NOT want to show them where I fish or where I thought the honeyholes might be just so I could save them for myself. I would quit fishing if I started thinking like that. I love fishing but I love the camaraderie and friendship I've built far more than that!

I'm sorry, I just thought it would be interesting to see where these guys were going fishing. I didn't know I was trying to steal secrets. I'm sorry Marty I've just been a grouchy s.o.b. that last couple of days.

Uncle Billy

Well, I was kidding. I tried to take advantage of the softly served up "US" vs "U.S." pun opportunity. I do know that Google earth isn't real time and one could not see them exactly. I would share every honey-hole I have with all but one on this board and probably most of the lurkers. I did use the icons required to make sure folks knew I was kidding. I don't think I deserved that.
Unca Billy,

As a tournament fisherman that has been STOMPED on by people that follow.....by people that write books and weekely newsletters about where fish are being caught and their entire audience is tournament fisherman.....by people that want instant success because they chunked down $50k for a new bassboat and feel they can just take the easy route by stealing locations....etc.

It is a different fishery up here. The lake is HUGE and fish are all over. BUt come tournament time, it changes....it really fishes small due to teh pressure it gets. There are places that I havent taken anyone to. I dont want it to get out because I can go to 25 different spots in a day and have boats on 20 of them. Alot of these areas cannot hold more than one boat.

I had a whole mess written to answer here but erased it as serving no purpose. Marty, I apologized once and I will again but still feel I didn't do anything to harm you in any way. "Do you really think they'll put their honey-hole locations online?" There was NO emoticon after that! And I knew, and everyone else should have also known, that was not what I meant either. Maybe an e-mail to me saying, "Bill, I was kidding" should have taken care of it, don't you think?

And here I go again with Mini...Mini you told me more above when you said "the Mile Roads" than answering anything I asked you in the original post of mine. I merely wanted to know what state and body of water and that, in know way, would have given anything away to the sneakers of the world. AND, if I was wrong in asking anything about where you all were going, a very simple e-mail to me would have been understood.

ehhhh its all good UB, I know you meant areas so you could look. but we went into little muskamoot and the mile roads area. LOTS of mile roads areas, but we did the drift and drag for the most part. Nothing specific there......but you can see on google earth. Its good man.....
Hey Billy come on down here to Indiana, If you can find a Honey Hole In this State your welcome to It........JR:D