Hey Ken, how's this for biz ethics?

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
I as well as many others did not agree with Ken's termination from Tracker, but more importantly the way it was done. However, it appears that this lack of integrity and ethics is running rampant in American corporations today. As you all know, the company I work for is up to no good and so I am in the midst of negotiating new employment. I had my annual "eval" the week before last and basically told my boss that I was leaving. Being the professional that I am, I was more than fair and gave him 2 MONTHS not 2 weeks notice. I promised to give my all while there and would help train my replacement. He immediately threw a raise at me....too little too late! Anyhow, to try to wrap this up a quick as possible, this absolute genius (sarcasm!) decides to break a law or two in attempts to keep me. Now, don't come to me and say you want me to stay and take steps to keep me happy, no, that would make sense. What does this dirtbag do? He ran into one of the potential employers recruiters (I have a few opportunities available to me right now) one who used to work with us and for him. One whom he fired and royally screwed and she is a good friend of mine. (He didn't think she would come back and tell me?) Anyhow, he proceeded to divulge confidential health information and records about me to this potential employer in hopes that she wouldn't hire me. In NY, that's against the law. Anyhow, I am beside myself, I knew this clown was low and few short to be a mgr, but this just makes it so much easier for me. I will be talking to a lawyer, the AG, and NY labor board tomorrow. He just stepped in it big! Who knows, maybe I will be fishing the FLW next year courtesy of my former employer in an out of court settlement! LOL Anyhow folks, this is NOT a place to keep my mouth shut for the sake of a job. To hell with that and all those who conduct themselves in such a manner. Hope you all have employers with more morals and ethics than that. OK, I'm done now, had to vent to my friends. So I won't be posting much for a while, I'll be a little....busy! LOL
Ahhhh, a limit of 5 lbers..........ooops, wait a minute. OK, was dreaming there for a minute! LOL Yeah, that would be better. Never fear Don, I intend to make him squirm. Nothing ticks me off more than companies that try to throw their weight around and bulldoze over the "little man" or woman. I like taking on big companies like this and then bringing them to their knees. If you treat me well, I am the best asset you could ever hope for, but try to screw me and you'll wish you never laid eyes on me!
Rob, I hear ya buddy. I'm currently in a head butting contest with my boss too. I am the only commission salesman with the company I work for. The other salesman is a straight salary lout who only tackles the easy projects and way way over bids the hard ones so we don't get them. But because I make more than the other guy who has been there for years it's seen as problem. The idiot can't understand that the more I make the more his company makes. He's has without my approval stopped my commission and given me a lousey $75 a week raise. This results in a net loss to me of about $9k to $10 per year. The moron cannot understand why I'm not all happy about the salary increase and why I'm making no secret about looking for another job. I hate working for the other guy. No matter how great a job you do you still get the giant screw. I'm ready to start my own business. How about:


Good luck!

Rob, a couple of free (aka worthless) tidbits from my own recent legal education:

1) Don't talk about a potential legal case in public, particularly a forum like this. Everything you say or write can be used against you by the opposing side. The less you say, the better off you are. If you feel you have a case, discuss it with an attorney and your wife, and no one else.

2) Keep in mind that in order to have a case, you have to have been damaged in some way. Did you lose an opportunity because of what he said? Sounds like you didn't. In which case, how have you been harmed?

Bottom line: Get on with making your life what you want it to be. Relying on the legal system to do it for you will make you bitter very quickly. Use your energy to further your career rather than fight a rear-guard action against this soon-to-be-former employer. Look forward, not backward.

My 2 cents.
Agreed Rich, I just want to be sure this guy can't pull this on someone in the future. Someone that maybe wouldn't know how to or have the courage to stand up to him.
Ethics are something you either have, or don't have. Kinda like being pregnant - you either are or you are not. This guy has obviously staked his claim.

Best of luck.

Rich, you are right about damages, but you forget PUNITIVE damages. As much as we are losing our "freedoms" due to heightened security, Americans are much less tolerant of divulging personal information, and a jury could give lots of money. Here's hoping Rob works for a BIG company and that his boss isn't the owner and barely breaking even...
Mike, punitive damages are pretty hard to come by. Rob would most likely have to convince the court there was malicious intent to harm him. That's hard to do in a he-said-she-said type of situation. It could take years and lots of dough. Best to move on.

I think Rich nailed it. I just want to get out of this mess. Again, just don't want anyone else to get treated this way. I did confront him and he got defensive. He told me what the other individual had "said" which of course was a very different story. I had lunch with her and she denied that. Basically, I don't know who is telling the truth. Each is telling part truth and part lie, that much I do know. All I want is out of it all. Man, if I could only win the lottery! LOL
I dunno bro. Is this guy an owner? Is it the company's fault that this guy decided to be a moron? Also, your evidence is quite circumstantial. I can understand being pissed but is it worth a lawyer? Lawyers are the biggest crooks (I do know a few personally and they know how I feel). a meeting with a higher-up for future employees ske might be a good way to let this turkey roast. Especially if your lady friend will back-up your story.

p.s.-sorry about messing up my post
Like Rich said, I don't want to get to much more into detail, thanks Rich for keeping me on track, but it boiled down to a he said she said and vice versa. I know this, they each told some truth and they both were at least a little deceptive. So now I have to decide do I want to stay with this company, or make the jump to one that is just as bad or possibly worse? Perhaps the other company is fine and it's just that my "friend" was using me to get back at my current employer. In any event, it has NOT been a good day and I am spent. Thanks for all the support folks. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go buy some lottery tickets and a 12 pack! LOL

Sometimes we just have to suck it up for the sake of the paycheck! I have a really good job but it is hard to see that some days through all of the BS. Yea, I gotta work nights, weekends, overtime and do worldwide travel and it is all in my job desciption. I know that there are not good jobs these days around every corner, so I do what I gotta do and then go huntin' and fishin'!!

Bob G.
Those of us with health problems usually can't get insurance if we work for ourselves - unless we have a wife who can make it available through her work.

Life insurance or health insurance - neither is available to me except through group coverage. Diabetic for 43 years (since age 10) and heart patient for 12 years.


(Oh, yeah..... Also VERY twisted mentally!)
And, it is the twisted that scares me... because I just don't see it... LOL you look and sound mine to me... Hoo Hoo Hee Hee... They're coming to take me away Hoo Hoo hee hee
To the Funny Farm! Where life is beautiful all the time!

And, having spent some time with Ken at the recent rally..... I can confirm that he has no ethics.