Hey Clark...

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Tony Payne

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2002
Reaction score
Well, How did you do?

We managed 1 keeper smallie (4#) on a jig, and lots of smaller fish... primarily right at nightfall and up until 2am... kindal slow then until daybreak...

Did mark one huge school of walleye.... they seem to be at about 25feet right now.

Main lake points was better for us than the points inside beaver/otter.

I caught one small one in Lily, I went up to the first point on the right. There was some sort of concert or one heck of a system on this house boat so I didn't stay long for that. Ran back through low gap to some points on right, across the lake from Beaver and Otter. Caught two more small size around 10". Hung a good one, didn't even get it up and lost that one.

Caught those on a short arm spinner. Those fish seemed to be about 15' deep.

The other boat with me caught an old smallmouth 20" long. It was pretty slim. I think he caught a good walleye on a wiggle wart.

If I had to do over I think I would have started on the beaver/otter side to find more darker areas. It was still a beautiful night out. I was going to call but the other couple had my cell and I lost contact with them. After I hooked the big one I was focused and before I know it I lost all track of time. The night seemed to fly by. We pulled out around 4. The wife was starting to slur and stumble a little from being out so late. Clark

We stayed thru till daybreak... only because, like you said, the nite went quick...

We fished those darker points.. (we fished alot of the points between indian and beaver)... Lots of hits, but very few hookups... The big one we caught came out of about 5 feet of water... he shot out of the water like a missle... easily cleared 4 feet!

Gotta love the smallies...

Most of the fish we marked was in the 8-15 foot zone... was really hoping for a better bite, but can't complain.

We're planning to go back down next friday... let me know if you make the run!

I may go next Friday. I have a night tourny up here Sat night at 7. Sounds like another exciting weekend cooking up already.

Do you all drive home after fishing all night or do you stay somewhere?
We drive home.... stopping several times between here and there to stretch...we play it safe with lots of coffee/soda and pit stops on the way home.

Eventually going to get a good tent and start staying, but my guess with the heat the way it is right now, that wouldn't be alot of fun.

The nite bite should be improving...i'm wondering if the brightness of the full moon actually took away from it... definitely looking forward to the next several weekends... now that we have located some fish, we have some time to figure them out.

of course, once we do, they'll change again!
Hey you guys ain't makin' me feel so bad:D

Me and the woman went to Caesers Saturday morning EARLY before all the fools were on the lake and I managed three largemouth..no biggies mind you but, the biggest went maybe three and the others about two each.

Funny thing was I caught em' on a little Zara Puppy in Shad pattern after I had tried everything. I guess with the higher pressure...they wanted it smaller. Same bank too:)