Here's why we're in trouble......

  • Thread starter TOMMY RICH [URL],293
  • Start date
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Oh..I see:wacko:

WE are the only ones "dumb" enough to let this happen too.;)
Blood boiling

Shut it down. You dont even have to read past the title to figure this one out.

Tee,...relax......the best way to whack a bunch of roaches, get'em all in the same place at the same time!!;):rolleyes:

TRUST your National and Homeland's been almost 9 years and they're still batting .1000

Go has a GREAT calming affect!:D
Well at least the FBI can see who all shows up...oh wait, I am sure that moron in the WH won't let that happen. All the idiot Dems are mad now that the CIA had a plan, just a plan, to train hit teams to knock of Al Queda leaders and they weren't briefed so they want Cheney investigated. Give me a freaking break. Those bunch of damn fools can keep anything quiet to begin with. Just more BS to keep people from realizing these idiots are a disaster to the Country and it's only been 6 months.

Seriuosly though...they might as well take advantage of "all the rats in one corner":unsure:

they are batting 1.000 not .1000. unless you know something we dont! lol

These things happen because we as a country are not willing to stand up and say ... "even with the wide latitude protections of our mostly misread constitution, there are lines which we won't cross."
Here's our NEW Border Patrol....


I think my lil' guy is on the "other" side of the fence!:lol:
Yeah this will make Illinois look worse than it has been with all the corruption...:angry:

I think i'm noving to Wisconsin... MORE LAKES!!!:lol:

Good Idea ..lets fish and enjoy OUR lakes!! they cant take that from us...

Our country hasn't learned yet to STAND UP and say NO!

Jeez ... WHY? USA USA USA!!!
I'm not surprised it's in Chicago but, I will never, ever, think of staying in another Hilton! They could have said: "Hell NO!"

And Hussein Obabma will likely do all he can to keep the FBI and all other federal agencies away from them! He is already dismantling the Patriot Act and other means of keeping tabs on 'likely' terrorists!
Just another good reason to stockpile some more ammo.....if you were in need of such items. :angry::p
You don't want to move up here to the Peoples Republic of Wisconsin. Our reps here just closed a budget shortfall by raising taxes and increasing spending. Spending up 7%, taxes &fees only up 3% or so. They claim the new shortfall is going to be paid for out of the state's share of the stimulus $$$$ this year. What's going to pay it next year?
Politicians are making a living not making anyone "uncomfortable". Well hard work is uncomfortable. The crap is going to hit the fan pretty soon. Someone has to work and pay the taxes. I have a buddy that owns a large electrical contracting company and he has plenty of money. If they pass some of the crap that is being proposed, he's going to shut it down and play golf and putter in his basement. The idiots that wanted this kind of change are getting it.
Tee - Here is a shirt (and they make a matching hat) that Noah picked up in Alaska


I likey!:cool:

Tell ya' what I think about alot of this "crap" that goes on in the US anymore...where's my one finger salute emoticon?

Reminder...MENARDS is having their "Everything Made in the USA" SALE this week!


Macdaddy says "Carry On":D