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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2000
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does anyone know how you can use microsoft excel

to calculate pounds and ounces

so i can use this for my bass club weigh in sheet for the year ?
I believe you can "format" the cells to add/etc in 16th so you should be able to do lbs and ounces... ALso, of course it will do lbs in 10th or 100ths...

Use the format command and then browse through the "custom" selections
Probably the simplest way is to enter the ounces as a decimel. Then, when you add cells together, you'll reverse calculate the decimel into ounces.

1 oz. = 0.0625

2 oz. = 0.125

3 oz. = 0.1875

4 oz. = 0.25

5 oz. = 0.3125

6 oz. = 0.375

7 oz. = 0.4375

8 oz. = 0.5

9 oz. = 0.5625

10 oz. = 0.625

11 oz. = 0.6875

12 oz. = 0.75

13 oz. = 0.8125

14 oz. = 0.875

15 oz. = 0.9375

And, of course, 16 ounces equals one pound (1.0).

I looked for information about converting decimels into pound/ounces, but didn't find anything.

I also just found that you can format a cell to display fractions.

So, 5 pounds 8 oz. would be entered as "5(space)8/16" and the cell would actually treat the 8/16 as 0.5 and change the cell display to read "5 1/2". You can also enter "5 1/2" and the results are the same.

Right click on the cells you want to use and select "Format Cell"

In the NUMBER tab, select "Fraction" and in TYPE select "Up to two digits (21/25)"

Click OK

You can the use the autosum button to insert the formula that would add up each contestant's fish weight into a total. The total weight cells will also need to be formatted to display fractions.

Let me know if you need to see an example of this, and I can e-mail you a workbook that is set up for this.
Yeah....what DonJovi said!

Nothin' like making it simple.:D