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Steve Rizza

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2002
Reaction score
I am now at my wits end!!!!!!!!!

my homepage keeps resetting to some damn search bar with ads fer viagra and spyware removal.I reset it and it works untill I log off of I.E. and when I log back on,there it is again.

All it says is ABOUT:BLANK.

I have ran Norton,ad-aware,bazooka,and spy bot and nothing will fix it.

If I look in the registry for the start page,it just says ABOUT:BLANK.

Any ideas before I go POSTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had the same thing a couple of months ago. I would reset my homepage and delete the offender but it would be right back as soon as I restarted. NOTHING would fix it. I finally got rid of it by logging on to the Norton website and after several tries their computer was able to scan my computer and get rid of the nasty little bugger.

Good Luck


My daughters computer had a similar issue a few weeks ago. I ended up running the restore disk and totally reformatted the hard-drive and started from scratch. Lucky for me that she only needs a few programs, so it wasn't that painful to get it going again. Then I got the latest Windows update, added a few programs and she was up and running. Good luck!!!

Bob G.
Here is what my scan turnes up.After hitting delete,if I re-scan it will be there again.

Started deep registry scan

I found that too Harpo.

It's getting pretty late,will give it a try tomorrow.I'll let you know if it works.

If the computer ever works again when I'm finished...LOL

The Norton scan doesn't pick up anything.
Goto and download Ad-Awaree 6.0 this is a program that will scan your registry and remove, upon direction spyware programs.

Also consider a quick search on google brought up this site.

Make sure your antivirus software is up to date

Hope this helps

I believe it's a virus Steve. I had the same thing some time ago. Try going to and running their free virus scan.


I almost forgot.. I went to Microsoft and did a search on something like "home page keeps changing" and they informed me what to do. I had to edit the registry. Very scary but it took care of it.

Just went thru all that. It is a virus. I had to do the reformat thing and that is when I realized I didn't have the software for my cable modem......$40.00 to get the cable guy here and fix me up. Now I have all kinds of protection, even a firewall. Good luck.
I had the same thing a couple of months ago. If you're using Windows XP, it makes a backup for your computer settings about once a week. You can go back and reset your computer to what it was before the virus hit. It's even easy to do!! Let me know if you have Windows XP and need help with it.

This is a spyware issue...the little buggers will even block you from downloading Ad-aware and Spybot which are two tools you will want to run together to get rid of this stuff. If you are already infected they are nearly impossible to remove on your own. You will need to have a friend download these applications to a CD for you and load them onto your computer that way...they are free just do a google or yahoo search and you will also find them at First update the applications through their update tool. Run Ad-aware first as it has the ability to run before all your other applications start which keeps the spyware from blocking your attempts to remove it. Then update and run Spybot. That should catch most any of these spyware apps out there.

These things are getting out of hand and a large part of my business right now is helping clients stop these attacks. One real bad thing they do now is called Keylogging where they send an application onto your computer that just logs your keystrokes and sends it back to a server at the bad guys place...your keystrokes tell them what websites you visit and unfortunately your username and password. Be careful..use Spyware, Firewall, and Antivirus especially if you are on DSL and Cable Modems.

BTW...the software Firewall built into XP and offered by DSL and Cable modem providers is not that great, not bad but not ideal..get a small hardware firewall if you can drop a few hundred to be safer. And read the instructions....a lot of people just turn them on and plug them in and they are not setup very tight out of the box.

Thanks guys.

I found instructions on how to manually delete it.I have ran all the above spy ware removers and they cannot find and remove it.

wish me luck going into the registry,I may never get to see you all again.LOL
Steve, I just want to tell you one more time that going in and mucking around in your registry may not be necessary. When I had this same problem, mine was a Trojon Horse that Ad Aware or Spyware Blaster or an up to date version of Norton Anti-virus would eleminate, what did it was logging on to the Symantec website and letting them do it for you. It really did work and it's free if you have the update on your Norton.


BINGO,I went back in time before I loaded that darn Kazaa and reset everything.Worked like a charm!!!!!!!!

I usually follow the motto "K.I.S.S." Keep It Simple Stupid,but never thought somthing so simple would work.

It also seems that not all of my files were lost,there were some pictures that I took last week,and they are still there.

Thanks bud,I owe you one.

(still keeping my fingers crossed for a few days)LOL

I had a similar issue with my work laptop and ran the restore feature and set a few days before the problem I had. (it kept shuting down Internet Explorer) Its worked like a charm for a month now and no problems. also the spy ware stuff and Norton never touched it. This was the only way to git 'er done!


I have been wracking my brain with this for days,and the solution turnes out to be somthing so simple.

Who woulda' thunk it?

That's what I get for trying to steal music.I bet Metallica planted the virus.LOL
Hey, that's GREAT! Probably should thank Bill Gates. Pretty amazing how it resets your computer without losing your new files. That's one thing so great about this web site is being able to help one another!

Take care and good fishing!

That's real good news. I couldn't do that because that feature no longer works on my old computer. Good fix.

now immunize your system in spybot and adaware...after updating both programs..should help you out a bit.
Norton may find it, but may not be able to delete it ... I have found that useing a program called Spy Sweeper works real well when Norton can't