help... missing parts Flow Torq

  • Thread starter David Munaretto
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David Munaretto

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2002
Reaction score
well, thanks to our friendly (sorry sir, we can't help you but you can PAY us $20 to send it back!) POST OFFICE, i have a new Trophy prop that is missing ONE piece of the flow torq II hub kit (the piece is the inside shaft next to the prop washer). YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE BOX THAT I RECEIVED IT IN -- BEAT TO A PULP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone happen to have an extra laying around that they don't need?

Oh, and as for our friendly post office - please help me get my $51 worth of prop hub out of them. Here is how you can help. Take every bit of junk mail you recieve and write "return to sender" on it - then stick it in your mailbox and let them figure it out... if we got 10% of america to do this, we could put the post office out of business in under 30 days ;-)


How was it packed when sent? Was it packed with appropriate padding or stuffing? Was there anything stamped on the parcel, ie: "received in damaged condition", etc?

If the parcel was badly damaged, why did you accept it?

Had you refused delivery, or not have opened it, they would have just sent it back, at NO cost to you.

BTW, writing "return to sender" will only work with first or second class mail that has not been opened, not junk mail. That just goes in the trash. The prepaid, no postage necessary stuff will go back to the sender and they do have to pay for it, So, that creates revenue for the PO.

It was packed in newspaper tightly. There was nothing stamped on it except "parcel post" - I didn't have to sign for it, and I opened it because who would expect a problem with a shipped prop??

Why should the guy who sold it to me end up eating the post office's screw up - that isn't fair to him either. I just wish the PO would be accountable for their mistakes - and maybe refund me the shipping cost...

Help me out here.. Are you missing the brass piece with the splines on it? That's a $51 part? WOW...
Don't think you can just buy 1 part, you have to buy the whole kit on the Merc site...

The guy who sent it would NOT end up eating the cost either.

If it was as messed up as you say, you should have refused it and he would have gotten the parcel back and what he paid for shipping by the post office where he sent it from.


I would try a local marine service shop because they have all sorts of nits and bolts type stuff laying around like that. Maybe you can slip them some cash to get the single part you need. Thats my advice.

Ya Bill, but then he'd be out the missing part that fell through the bottom of the box, and hey - he is one of us - it isn't his fault either!

Travis, good advice I am going to stop at a couple of places tomorrow...Also stopping in at BPS Gurnee to talk to a couple of friends this afternoon.
