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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
My computer is running slow sometimes doesn't respond to my for spyware,,parasites removers etc,,,keep popping up and at times I cannot close the window or delete them.

I have a dsl line and a Dell 4600c.It is rendering my computer useless.It has been difficult even trying to type this.

What should I do??
Which operating system do you run? Has it had any new security patches/releases on it?

My wife's computer run's XP, and it was near crippled some months ago. Had to get all the updates, reload, and then even reload most of the other applications. It was exhibiting some of the same traits as yours seems to be doing.


Start here... and download Adaware.. Run it first before anything else. Then "housecall", free online virus scan. Next, then download the updates for your system from microsoft..
It says I have 522 infections found? what do I do about them ?
Click on the box, or select all.

Quarantine them, then have your adware program remove them.

You might want to check each one individually. Sometimes these trackers are something you down loaded and installed.

I'm fighting the same war. I don't see how these A$$ holes

can load stuff on your computer without your knowledge.

Next thing you know, the government will start regulating all this stuff and we can have it charged to our favorite

credit card.
I probably can help you. First off what does IT mean? That would help me understand your problem better.
Gross... 522 INFECTIONS from housecall or from ad-aware? Ad-aware problems aren't always problems... lots are tracking cookies, which are invasion of privacy, but not harmful otherwise. Housecall infections, those are viruses... If you have 522, you're not doing well. Housecall should offer to clean them though.
Once you get things cleaned up you may want to look into installing a firewall on your system. I too was getting some pop ups and my isp offered a free firewall from Computer Associates and now the pop ups are next to nil. I really can't remember the last time I have had a pop up. I have road runner and my local provider offered it for free. It is called EZ Firewall and it came with a virus checker also. EZ Anti-virus.
Your best bet, honestly, is to buy a DSL router. 4 port is fine. You need to know how you connect to the internet (probably PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet)) and get a router that supports it. Most do. You can get a "Broadband Router" for 20-50 bucks after rebates. I just changed from SMC's Barricade 7004 to a wireless router (still has 4 wired ports too).