Hello from CA

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John Foster

Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2000
Reaction score
I just wanted to stop in and say Hi.

It's been a while since I posted. I missed this place.

Have a great day.


hey john,

How are things ? I've been wondering where you have been hiding.

Holy Chit!! John AND Pierre in the same post!! Where have you BOTH been?? Pierre, you need to make a road trip to visit your Brutha's from American Mutha's!! Or better yet,..if Mini and I can get over to the Toronto BPS,....you'll have to meet us there!! How fun would THAT be??

Keep in touch aye!!;)

John and Pierre!! What a way to start a Friday! How are my friends on the left and north coasts???

John how are that wonderful Beer drinking wife and your cute daughter??

Hows the house Pierre??
wow Big John,

long time no hear from...I have the same numbers give me a call
We have been doing well. Work has kept me pretty busy over the last year.

Started Playing golf and then we got into a bowling league. Hate to say it but I haven't been Fishing in almost a year.

The wife and daughter are doing great. Except for my daughters broken finger in October it was a great year. Susan wants to start fishing so I will be getting out more this year.

Nice to see everybody is still hanging out here.

Rich, This is still the best stop on the internet.

Well, I'm always lurking, I get to visit a few times a week. I just don't post much 'cause I'm picking myself up from the ground most times...you guys are awesome.

Soon Mac soon...whenever you do decide to visit BPS in TO I'll definitely meet you there.

John, golf and bowling instead of fishing ?!?!? I know what you mean, I decided to try a new sport for awhile; Water Polo. Didn't last though, too expensive, I quit after drowning my 5th horse.

Trep, just finishing up on the new house. After a divorce, I'm back in force and was lucky enough to build me a place with the new (and improved) girl waterfront on my favorite fishing spot; the mighty Ottawa river. I'll put some pics in my library.

Life is good.
