Hello all, glad to be outof boot

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
Hello all,

it's good to see that the ntows is still going strong! thanks greg and me! for those cards you sent me in boot I enjoyed getting them. every mail call was like christmas and when you got mail it was even better! I'll always remember the yellow foot prints,hahaha god those D.I.'s are the biggest joksters in the world the only problem is that for 13 weeks you at the butt end all their laughs. Andy z tell your son that joining the corps will be the best decision he will ever make! well, he won't think so during boot but afterwards he'll understand. Tell him to sound off, move with speed and intensity at all times,and remember to not take anything personnally because it's all planned. I go back to San Diego to heal up for a month, then if i'm aloud to be a grunt i'll have 3 months at the school of infantry then off to the big sandbox to play. well take care all! semper Fi,

Pvt. Gross

Yep..your on your way now! Now Git er' Done Private:)!


Left out the "The Great Big Thank You!!!!!:)
Congratulations Pvt. Gross and thank you for your service to our country. My son is PFC. Hutchison. He graduated from PI last August and just recently finished up his MOS school. I don't think his feet are 100% healed from boot yet. Thanks again, Hutch
Congratulations to you and your family. It's a significant accomplishment.

Let me also say 'Thank You', for I personally appreciate your service to our country.

Good Luck Pvt. and Congrat's....you make us all proud!!

BTW-I bet you could put a pretty good shine on that boat hull right about now too!!...LOL

Good luck with your "adventure!!"

Devil Dog,

Congrats!!!!!! Who were your Drill Instructors? Was one a SSgt Craig?

Hey, Pvt. Gross!

Amanda has been asking about you! She says she LOVES a man in uniform - and Marines have MUCH better uniforms than sailors!!!!!

Congratulations, Mike!

Thank you for keeping all us safe!

God Bless!


Congrats and welcome... Absolutely great stuff... I hope to see you sometime again and shake your hand personally...