Have we forgotten?

  • Thread starter BJ Laster [URL]http://members.cox.net/classicweb/H
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I so deeply hope that we have not forgotten... However, I fear that the political aspirations of some have become more important to them than the safety of our country. Every day I see our "leaders" re-writing history... assessing blame and trying to get ahead by stepping on the tragic events of just, really, a few months ago...

I would give anything, certainly my life, willingly to be allowed to step up and take the place of the next young American recruit headed out to stand in harms way for me and mine and you and yours... Unfortunately, they don't need the willling hearts and hands of old men... they need the young... So, I and you must stand in awe and reverant respect as this generation feeds the beast and thereby protects our freedom. But, we owe them and those that perished our true underrstanding of what this is all about...

This is no law enforcemet and intelligence problem... this is war... And, I would rather that it be fought on our terms on their soil; than fought on their terms on our soil. If we bend, if we flinch, if we are perceived as weak and unresolute... There will be great pain and suffering here in our home for many years to come. May God give us the wisdom to see that we are the only hope for the light of freedom and that our sacrifice is not a choice, it is a duty to defend freedom for all of our future generations.
Absolutely right.

We may never be able to predict and stop an attack on our soil before it happens. The 9/11 commission makes no difference. Hindsight is 20/20.

Truth be told, even if Bush would have known there would be an attack and wanted to go after the terrorists to thwart the attack, can you almost hear the Democrats and liberals in this country? The'd call him a warmonger...they'd have said that he was making it up to invade an Arab state for oil. They'd have said that he was bowing to Israel's wishes.

Can't you almost hear it?
I am so very tired of this Bush bashing...If Clinton had done his job instead of getting his b-job and turning a blind eye to foreign affairs and intelligence, there may very well have never been a 9/11.

Do yourselves a favor and read "Why America Slept." It's a relatively short read however it goes into great detail about the American Intelligence and foreign policy or lack thereof during the Clinton Administration.

All the signs were there, several years before 9/11 ever occurred that pointed toward a major Islamic terrorist attack against U.S. interests. Clinton however, either chose to ignore his own intelligence community or not allow them to take action.

Read the book, if u too are not enraged after, u are un - American.

President Bush is doing the right thing now, these wars are necessary evils. We are a safer nation now than we ever have been. I am a proud American and I love my country and support my president and our troops. I, like Greg, would not hesitate to jump into battle to support the freedom and safety we all take for granted.
I have seen that link before. It's great and I have NOT forgotten. Like Greg, there are a lot of us old guys who would be willing to go but do not have the bodies that would listen to our brains. Having your brain tell you to something and your body saying "in a minute", doesn't work. Unfortunately, it's up to young men to do the job that keeps us safe and they pay the ultimate price. God bless them all.
