Hats: Update & Revised

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Jimmy Easterling

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
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These are the two designs I was looking at. I don't have a price on the hats and embroidering yet but converting the logos to digital is $45 each, one time. The hats I looked at were solid cloth, reinforced front, and adjustable, like the one BASS sends out when you join. If we want these we probably need to choose one style and see how many hats we want, we can spread the digitizing cost out, if there are enough we will all pay a small part of it.

Nitro shirt patch.jpg

Nitro sleeve.jpg
The process is called digitizing. That is when someone takes the artwork, and uses the digitizing equipment to enter the data points into the system that tells the embroidery machine where to sew and with what needle/color to switch to at what part of the logo. That ($45)sounds a little expensive to me, especially for the one on the top. I guess if you spread that out over enough hats it makes it less of an issue. In volume that ought to cost around a couple of bucks to embroider. The bottom one looks like more stitches and they usually cost this out based on the number of stitches and colors, so it should cost more. FYI polyester thread will stand up to the sun better than rayon wrap, and is a little less expensive. If they embroidered these, the digitizing has already been done unless they plan to fine tune it a little, that is not high end embroidery right there, either the digitizing is bad or those machines are worn.
Still keen as on some of these i would take 2 hats. All the way from Aus, mate!
Actually, both of the images above I scanned as jpeg from shirts I have that was purchased from the Nitro website. The background color will have to be removed. They were the only images I had like that. I haven't done anything yet but ask for a price. I posed the question earlier, are we, if we continue with this, imposing on copyright laws(I feel sure in some way we are and don't want to cause any trouble) and if so should we leave it alone. I just want some hats with Nitro that doesn't say Z9. The Nitro logo in the top right hand corner of your screen would be ideal.
Here is what I have. She said: digitizing is $45, hat and embroidering will cost about $12 per, couldn't be exact until they see how many stitches it will take. I am guessing about right on the Nitro emblem and maybe a little more on the Nitro-Performance. Don't know about taxes but with one design digitized and spread over 20 hats we are talking about less than $20 per hat. We will divide total cost by number of hats ordered and that will be cost per hat. I will do the leg work to the Post Office. Don't know what shipping to you would be?? I will pay for the hats when we order, all I ask of you is: if you say you are in, be in. I don't want to end up with a bunch of hats.

We need to know: Which design, how many hats you want and color.

I like the wheat or white, it's cooler in the sun, and I like both designs. I am in for 4 hats.
I want to send my own hat in to have done.where are you doing it at?I will pitch in for the digitizing.thanks
Bob, the hats are supposed to be full cloth, not the summer mesh, reinforced front, and adjustable with the metal clip.

BMCD and James, I will ask if I can get a disk with the digitized image on it, since we are paying for it, and work out something so you can get it done locally.

Rick, not sure we are going to have enough orders to pay for having both digitizing done, it's $45 each.

On another note, I am having the drafting teacher at work import and redraw the designs in AutoCad and it may be possible for the embroider to be able use one of those formats and we won't have to have it digitized. I will let you know next week. If that happens, we can get as many or as few as we want and I will be able to post a picture.

More to come.
Okay, I have a question. Do you have permission from Nitro to produce these hats? It's a registered trademark. Given your previous comments, I would guess not. I'd do one of two things.

1) Stop. Safest bet.

2) If you want to have one made for just yourself . . . .

I've found that companies will go to great lengths to protect their trademarks. That, in many states, it's a felony.

if you get it on disk with the nitro logo,shoot me an email.as long as the final product doesnt have the "trademark R"in it,I dont think its a crime,and i dont think nitro would give a **** as long as we are not mass producing them to make a profit.jubiprints.com say they will do it for a setup fee of $35.once they have the symbol we can order hats,shirts,jackets,or whatever from them with the logo on it.There site says $45,but i called them and they say they will take $35 plus $8 per product you have embroidered,unless you buy the product(hat)from them.
I am kind of with Tex, might be careful stepping on a registered trademark. Those logos at the top have the "R".
Was thinking about it today. They own the trademark but not the words. The logo would probably be off limits as far as the trademark, but "NITRO PERFORMANCE BASS BOATS" a little different from the way they do it would probably be legal, you can buy the Dodge Nitro hats. I like Nitro and Tracker and absolutely want no problems from or with them, the hats aren't that important to me. I even thought about asking for permission but 1)don't know where to start and 2)it would take them forever to say yes or no. Wish I knew a trademark lawyer. AND this is getting quite complicated, I am going to wait until I get the AutoCad drawings back and talk to the embroider to see if I have to get it digitized. H*ll, all I wanted was a hat!!
Trademark laws are complex, and are meant to protect the brand for the manufacturer. Saying someone does not own the words - specificially the NITRO PERFORMANCE BASS BOATS, for the most part is wrong.

You are talking about making a 'knock off', that would be judged as an infrigment.

Mac has not chimed in here, but he would be a good person to talk with on this, given his own experiences with Scales and Tales and his branding.

All, I'm going to say is,..."If I saw, heard, or read" where I could order copycat S&T merchandise,...they WOULD hear from my lawyer PRONTO,...AND they would be ordered to give up ALL funds earned and remaining merchandise still in stock, and more than likely fined in addition to that....it's called "cease and dissist". It's BAD NEWS for the person trying to ripoff a copywritten or trademarked logo and getting caught!:angry:

Jimmy,....just call Nitro and have them send you a hat!! Trust me,..you don't have enough money to risk taking on Tracker Marine corporate...ESPECIALLY with copywrite and trademark infringment laws. ;)
Done. I haven't been real comfortable with this copyright legal stuff anyway. Like I said, all I wanted was a hat, I'll get it somewhere. Thanks.
tracker marine in beaumont,tx gave me two hats with the nitro emblem.they are too small so i gave em to my oldest boys.I took the hat to my local embroidery today and she said she could somewhat copy the NITRO on to a hat but couldnt use the circle emblem.so i ordered a sweet looking under armour hat and getting that done.she said there are many things that are named NITRO and it wouldnt violate copy rights as long as its not the emblem.white hat red NITRO may even have MERCURY put on back.if interested i will post a pic.cost 7 bucks to have NITRO put on a hat.
oh yea,we have baseball uniforms done there and hats also.we use major league team names but its not an exact copy.Its the same thing.thanks for the warnings though

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