Has the weather forecasts been wrong more than normal ?

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Thomas Macaluso

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2000
Reaction score
Is it me or has the weathermen been wrong a lot more than usual this year ? . Took yesterday off to fish the Hudson one more time this year . The forecast was for light winds less then 8 MPH and temperatures around 56 . WRONG !!! The wind was about 30 MPH out of the North .To make matters worse we had wind against the tide and for anyone who has never fished tidal rivers that can make for some real fun boating. It just seems that the weather reports have really been off this year. Makes for frustration when you can
I've often said,..."There's no better job in the world than a weather forecaster,.......you can be WRONG 80% of the time and still make 100K/yr!!"....LOL...what a gig!!!

I usually go directly to NOAH. The Weather Channel and Weather.com next and as a last resort my local channels. I have found one weathercaster is right more than the others. You can have all the weather "models" in the world but you still have to interpret the info and apply it to the local area. That is not always easy. Since I live between a mountain range and the ocean/bay, we get some totally messed up weather AND it is very unpredictable. Fronts come from all directions and the weather patterns are extreme. Bottom line, required education to be a "Meteorologist" is pretty slim. Most pilots qualify by their standard ground training. Only job in the world where you can be wrong 80% of the time and not get fired!!LOL!!

In most cases a magic 8 ball will predict weather too if asked the right questions.
I agree..I go by instincts mostly:) You'd be surprised on how much I' right and THEY'RE wrong:)
What I've found is that as the older experienced weathermen (and women) have retired, the newer ones just rely on the computer models most of the time. For the most part, they just don't know what they are talking about.

In the DFW area, we used to have Harold Taft at the NBC station. He had been there from when the station opened, back in 1948! Now that guy knew the weather. He would tell you what the models would predict, then tell you what was going to happen. He was a real gem of a person also.

Same thing here in Charlotte. The one really experienced weatherman retired about 3 years ago. Now, it's just a bunch of fancy graphics and computer models that don't really know.

Exactly.......We have one in DC that is better at applying the model info than the others. I just love the lame @ss excuses when they are wrong like the year thy predicted a "dusting" at most of snow and we got 2 FEET!! LOL!! The home weather station with the unit that sits on the roof and transmits the data (temp, wind, Barometric press, etc.) to a readout in the house is on my X-mas list!!

Tom, I know what you mean about the tide goin one way and the wind the against it, make those rollers stand up straight, thats how it was on the Delaware. Thsi weekend is in RVR, I'll let you know how I make out.