Happy Valentines Day, Cass, Barb, Stacey, Carli, Sue and Penny!

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Staci Matheis

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2000
Reaction score
And to ALL the Wives, Girlfriends and Partners of everyone on this board!

You are far more important to us than even Fishin'!

Awwwww, your sweet :)

Smootches to you!

Cass :)

Thanks guys!

Gee Scott...you aren't sucking up are you?? LOL I usually get told how important I am when hubby wants to spend big bucks!!! LOL

Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day too!

Gosh, Carli..... Hadn't seen you on the board in so long that I thought I had scared you away with the "good girl" comment! Glad to see you posting again!

Me? Suck up? How can you say that?

.-- --- ..- .-.. -.. .. . ...- . .-. -.. ---

.- -. -.-- - .... .. -. --. - --- ... ..- -.-. -.-

..- .--. - --- .- -. -.-- --- -. . -.-.-.

Hope my morse isn't too bad - it's been about 35 years!

... -.-. --- - - / .- / ... ..- -.-. -.- / ..- .--. ..--.. / -. --- --..-- / .. / -.. --- -. .----. - / -... . .-.. .. . ...- . / .. - .-.-.- / .... . .----. ... / - --- --- / -. .. -.-. . / --- ..-. / .- / --. ..- -.-- .-.-.-

-- .- .-. -.-
I see you've been to my homepage Scott! And you even signed my guestbook.

I've been really busy at work. Have to take a trip to GA to see my S-I-L. Dr says she has a fast spreading cancer. Would have loved to take the boat, but unfortunately this isn't the time.

Mark....I've been on this board long to enuf to know Scott would!!! LOL

Okay.....I figured out Mark knows code from being in the Boy Scouts....and I'm guessing you must have been a radio op in the service??

Most people WILL send faster/better than they can receive.
-.-. .- .-. .-.. .. --..-- / -. --- - / - .... . / -... --- -.-- / ... -.-. --- ..- - ... .-.-.- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- .-.-.-

-- .- .-. -.-
-- .- .-. -.- --..--/ .-./..-/.-/.... .- -- ..--..

-.-. .- .-. .-.. ..
OK, you two..... Not only am I wa-a-ay out of practice - but I'm OLD and my eyes ain't what they used to be!

No, Carli, I wasn't in the service...... I've been a diabetic since I was 10 so I was 4-F...... And, Thank God for that! I was 19 when we reinstated the draft for Vietnam....... Sat there in a dorm room with a bunch of guys watching our numbers being pulled. Even though I was 4-F, I was one of those guys with a number in the 300's....... Wish I could have given my spot to one of the guys in the teen's.......

I was once, if I remember the numbers correctly, WN8HCU - but that was back when I was 13....... My father was (and still is) a Ham. Wen we were moving from Cincinnati to St. Louis and he was here for about 6 months before we moved, I got my novice license so we could "talk"!

Lord! That was almost 40 years ago! Better put on my reading glasses OVER the bi-focals and go back to those two lines of code!

Quick story.......

My father used to have this 70' tall tower in our back yard....

Doing any repairs or modifications to the antenna was quite an ordeal...... It was a telescoping arrangement; so first, you had to crank three sections into each other. Then using a winch, tilt the rest over so you could reach the antenna. The antenna was one of those big, directional things which sometimes made it difficut to get the motor low enough to work on it.

When we moved here in 1963, I was 13 and MUCH smaller than I am now - if you can believe that! I think I was like 4'10" and about 80#.......

So....... Good, old, dad always found it easier to send me climbing to the top - wrenches in pockets; wires in mouth - to get the job done........

To this day, I am scared stiff of heights.

Like George, I cannot tell a lie (actually, I can, but here I'd better not).

.-- .-- .-- .-.-.- --. --- --- --. .-.. . .-.-.- -.-. --- -- / .- -. -.. / ... . .- .-. -.-. .... / ..-. --- .-. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - --- .-.

Please don't be mad. I came across it out of curiosity and couldn't resist jumping into the converstation.

That's a lot of work just to flirt with Carli, Mark!

(She's worth it!)
BTW, Mark....... I ended up at South City Diner with TWO Womyn! One lady, Dian, reached over to pat me on the head (Womyn like to do that to bald men!) and remarked about the little bit of fuzz I've got up there: "Oh, my! It's soft! If you let it grow, does it turn into REAL hair?"

OK Guys and Girls, who's going to decipher this code for us idiots? I feel soo left out ;-)
me: "Would I ever do anything to suck up to anyone?"

Carli: "yes"

Mark: "Scott a suck up? I don't believe it! He's too nice of a guy!"

Mark: "Carli, not the Boy Scouts! Sorry!"

Carli: "Mark, R U a ham?"

Mark: "www.google.com and search for morse code translator."
Like I believe you Scott, i'm sure there is more nuances and secrets :) LOL

A lot of work? Hey, ya just type it in and out comes the code.

I'm sure Carli is worth flirting with, but my wonderful wife bought me Hostess Ding-Dongs and a Calvin 'n Hobbes book for Valentine's Day. She just knows me, so I'm not gonna mess that up.

No, I wasn't flirting, just being a (not-so-)wise-guy.


Use that Morse Code translator. You'll see that Scott's transcript is right on. No nuances or secrets. He got it all down in its entirety (and without using a translator, like me!).

It's too bad we can't use a one-time, 128-bit encrypted, hex code cypher key. That would really be fun!

Thanks Mark - That translator is neat! I just figured they'd be blowing smoke up our jack plates!
There we go again....... This post started out wishing the Ladies a Happy Valentines Day - very innocently, I might add......... Then deteriorated into coding and decoding devices.......... And now, smoking jackplates? Does that make them more tender? Or just give them the munchies?
Trep: That's exactly what we said. Yeah I know much easier to type letters than code.

I've been a ham radio operator for 25 years. Code is NOT my favorite mode, but I do have fun with it from time to time. I was quite surprised to see any of it on this board!! LOL

Mark: you had me fooled. Thought one of your Boy Scouts were there with you!!

Scott: You've been to my webpage and have seen my antennas. We have 25 feet of tower up with all those antennas on it. It's just straight tower no crank over or telescoping. We are putting up 50 feet in the Spring and will rotate the whole tower with a prop pitch motor.

I've climbed to the 100 foot mark on some of the towers around here to service ham antennas....so I'm not afraid of heights.
Oh MY!!! Mac & Mini evolved??? That's a whole 'nother thread!!! LOL

You guys stay out of trouble. I'll be back on the 26th (in case someone misses me!!!)


We miss you already. ('specially Scott) We'll look forward to hearing from you when you get back!

Mark - Can I borrow your shoulder? I need a place to cry.........

