Happy Sat AM from China!

  • Thread starter Michael Trepper
  • Start date
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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Hey Gang!

Well the family's assignment is winding down quickly. Movers came yesterday, school is out Thursday (June 12th) and I load the family up next Sat for the direct Delta flight Shanghai to Atlanta! I can't believe its been almost 1 year since we arrived. I have too many stories and pictures to share, and i'll still be here till Oct/Nov wrapping up, but today we are spending the day as a family downtown on the river, sight seeing, taking a river cruise and hanging out. Heck,Beka even got me to do a 50k bike ride last Sunday with a local expat group from our area 25 km to the ocean! The Boys speak Mandarin like the locals, Beka bought more clothes in 1 year then she had in 40 and I've had my passport overflowed after not ever having a stamp in it till 2 years ago! What a ride!

I know some of you guys travel a lot (CIII!!!) so any advice when I come back July 2nd w/out the family for a 8 weeks stay before seeing them again, on how to stay sane would help!

You all have a great Fri Night/Saturday!

Doh, Coffee hasen't kicked in... double post on my own post!! LOL
Have a good trip back Trep!

Go fishing man! Is that what you mean? Something to pass the time??
Head home safe bro. See ya when your back and we will get out and fish.

Just think Beka will not have to go to Kohls now.
